Sen. Cory Booker wants to force every gun owner to get federal license – IOTW Report

Sen. Cory Booker wants to force every gun owner to get federal license


Democratic Presidential candidate Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey wants gun owners in the U.S. to be licensed by the federal government, according to his new proposal.

Booker said he would use executive order as President to immediately enact a series of changes, including universal background checks, an “assault weapons” ban, and implementing a federal gun license program, CBS News reported Monday.

“My plan to address gun violence is simple – we will make it harder for people who should not have a gun to get one,” Booker said in a statement. “I am sick and tired of hearing thoughts and prayers for the communities that have been shattered by gun violence – it is time for bold action.”

The program would bar anyone from owning a gun until going through several steps to acquire a license, including a mandatory gun safety program.

However, his proposal doesn’t include any insight on what consequences Americans could face if they failed to comply with such a law. more

33 Comments on Sen. Cory Booker wants to force every gun owner to get federal license

  1. I want corey booger to get drug tested for syphilis along with every other demoncrat. They should require a license and an intelligence test to run for office.

  2. The 2nd Amendment says that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Gory Booger wants to ignore that.

    The 13th Amendment says that slavery and involuntary servitude are illegal. I want to ignore that and put Booger in chains and set him to work clearing out fatbergs in Newark’s sewers.

  3. Like criminals & ms-13 will fill out
    all the paper work and take a safty course
    after they buy a hot pistol in the ally…

  4. Texit looking like a good option if one of these lunatics wins. Good luck getting that crap implemented. Even in uber liberal cities like Boulder that try to force registration no one complies.

  5. I am sure Booker will send federal marshals into Chicago to round up all the gang members who illegally possess guns. That would go a long way towards curbing gun violence.

    Oh, I see. That would be racist.

  6. Comrade Booker…
    Dumb enough to be dangerous. Apparently he has never read the second amendment,
    Especially the » free exercise thereof «  part.

  7. In 1970 I lived in NYC and there were no bans on guns and my apartment was not well located but the rent was reasonable. Abercrombie and Fitch was gone due to their reliance upon selling hunting arms…so, I decided to purchase a pistol for protection at home. I was out of college and worked in banking with no criminal record. One year after starting the permit process I still had no Permit and foot dragging was so bad that it finally dawned on me that the process was against gun ownership even though the law allowed it. The death blow for my permit came near the end of the process when I received a letter stating that on the following three dates , working hours, three people would show up with ID proof and sign an affidavit that they knew me personally for the last 5 years and that they had been living in NYC for at least 3 years. The dates were within the next 30 days. My friends noted that this was short notice, put the material together, note that some friends failed the requirements of time and or the date to appear because of their job…Three friends arrived at the precinct on time and after two hours were given notice that the hours for approval had passed and expect another date to be chosen later…so, I never got a pistol and that was the point. During this time, I heard tv pundits say that we needed a permit to drive so getting a permit to own a gun was reasonable…the reality was that once you need any license of any kind for a gun it means you will not get one..Moved to NC and did not want a gun but got one anyway..

  8. The program would bar anyone from owning a gun until going through several steps to acquire a license, including a mandatory gun safety program.

    No one could teach such a program since no one will have a license for a gun or a license to teach such program.

    In order for his shit plan to be enacted it would have to first be violated.

  9. I already have a Federal ID….it’s my social security number which I’ve had since I was 14, 48 years ago and I vote with it being known….It used to be on my drivers license until the illegal spics couldn’t provide one of their own….

    Please God don’t let me get stage 4 cancer because I have things that I’d like to change…..

  10. “people who should not have a gun”

    And guess who he thinks would decide that?

    Booger, you are toast. I’d say burnt toast but you know what that would … Oh, forget what they would call me.


  11. Fuck that asshole, they need to realize that they work for us. My rights do not come from the political elites. As bad as he fucked up Newark, I don’t think so.

  12. I went to tour the Texas capital building in Austin two weeks ago. The general public now has to pass through metal detectors to gain access to the building. I have a concealed handgun license and I was packing heat so I went through the express entrance where they simply scan your license and tell you to have a nice day as you proceed into the capital building. Texas trusts it’s law abiding citizens.

  13. Beyond the obvious violation of the constitution, this idiotic scheme will require a whole new federal bureaucracy with 10s of thousands of (affirmative action quota) employees, all of whom will think nobody should own a gun. This will either a) cost taxpayers a shitload of money or b) charge the applicant a prohibitive fee for the license, of c) both the above. The license will have to be renewed at least annually, the resulting process will make a visit to the DMV seem orgasmic in comparison. No thank yew, Cory.


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