Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) Slammed for Urging IMF Aid to Iranian Mullah Terror Regime – IOTW Report

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) Slammed for Urging IMF Aid to Iranian Mullah Terror Regime

Legal Insurrection: Ted Cruz: “The Ayatollah leads chants of “death to America.” He pledges to destroy America, which he calls “the Great Satan.” And Senate Dems want to send him millions??? At the EXACT SAME TIME, Senate Dems are blocking desperately need relief to small businesses in America.”

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is taking heat for calling on President Trump to reverse the block on the IMF to Iran. You would think at a time like this, she might be more focused on the people of California. more

16 Comments on Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) Slammed for Urging IMF Aid to Iranian Mullah Terror Regime

  1. Feinstein is in her position because she serves the purpose of the higher authorities and follows their orders well.

    She will be removed when that is no longer true.

  2. Didn’t she just get slammed for dumping stock based on inside information? And before that, didn’t she have a Chinese spy on her staff for twenty years? What an evil piece of work she is.

    And what happened to that stock-dumping story which targeted Feinstein and five GOP Senators? It just disappeared. I guess a deeper dive revealed massive stock-dumping by many more Democrat Senators, and the media walked away.

  3. Get ready folks, Fauci is going to unleash the Colin Capernick defence. Trump is firing me, not because I suck at my job. He’s firing me for political reasons.
    I would settle for a covid 19 ID card. IF they issue a voter ID card at the same time. It would be the prefect response.

  4. One more example of the democRAT-Bastard enemy within!
    There simply is no other way to explain someone who would support a sworn enemy while pissing all over our own small businesses!!

  5. How could one individual, raised in America, be so damned stupid and evil at the same time?

    If the Iran Mullahs could pull it off, they would kill her in an instant, she being Jewish.

  6. “Providing these funds to Iran would help it respond more effectively to the disease and mitigate the risk of further destabilization in the region.”
    So would a bunch more dead Muslims. YES, I said it.

    America has been sold out to other countries for a long time now, and not just by the Dems. When Obuttma raise corporate taxes to 38%, many left on their own. One in particular was Ingersol Rand, 103 year old US company, moved to Ireland. Tax rate 16%.

  7. She must be fantasizing about being being younger and in a Harrem a la Hugh Hefner rather than the reality of being a christian female living in Iran.

    She hasn’t been in the news much lately and I was wondering when she would try and outdo Biden/Pelosi/AOC/Nadler/Schumer…


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