Sen. Graham Announces Potential Witnesses And Senate Judiciary Vote On Crossfire Hurricane Hearings – IOTW Report

Sen. Graham Announces Potential Witnesses And Senate Judiciary Vote On Crossfire Hurricane Hearings

Sara A Carter:

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham announced Monday evening that his committee would debate and vote on a subpoena authorization related to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance abuse investigation, as well as conduct oversight of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane probe into President Donald Trump’s campaign.

Graham, R-SC, said the subpoena authorization covers “a number of documents, communications and testimony from witnesses, including James Comey, Andrew McCabe, James Clapper, John Brennan, Sally Yates, and others.”  He also stated in a press release that the subpoena authorization will be the first listed on the agenda for the committee on  May 21.

Some of the most notable witnesses that may be subpoenaed are Attorney General William Barr, former FBI General Counsel James Baker, Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, former United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power, as well as FBI Director Christopher Wray. These are only a handful of the long list published by Graham’s office on Monday.

The Committee is expected to vote on the subpoena authorization at its June 4, 2020 executive business meeting, the press release stated. read more

21 Comments on Sen. Graham Announces Potential Witnesses And Senate Judiciary Vote On Crossfire Hurricane Hearings

  1. The United States Senate isn’t fooling anyone here. They have unparalleled crimes staring them in the face and they have to appear to do something. But they don’t mean it.

    The system hasn’t been “usurped by commies,” jellybean. It’s not even ‘just broken.’ It’s a stinking, rotting corpse with no meat left on the bones.

  2. If Lindsey really acts, not just more talk, it will be an historic event. After decades of seat-warming GOPers, to see them sort of kind of do thier job would be a good start.

  3. Nothing…. repeat, NOTHING… will come from all the blustering of Lindsey-boy. Just like nothing is going to happen to all the Obama deep state criminals. So sad.

  4. Forget Lindzay, and Judas Goats like him…pay particular attention to the whole Ric Grinnel back story and how things are being declassified.

    There is a legal horse race going on between the Deep State and the Congress, the Nunes and Jordan types, with Potus (the Commissioner), watching in the top row of the grand stand with high powered binocs looking at the bumping back and forth, ultimately ‘calling the race’…in the end, ‘perceived’ winner or not.

    MEANING, the POTUS has the white hat intel community on his side and all the dirty scumbugs will be exposed before the election, in a ‘balls to the floor’ way.

    Then the the voters decide and be the jury in the end.
    IF WE win he will kick their asses ‘back to kingdom come’.

    We just have to pray about the election corruption of the Dems, Goolag, Facelessbook, Colleges and U’s etc…with the help of the useless and equally corrupt Fourth Estate.

  5. Yup…..

    Fredo Graham and Roosterhead Gowdy……two peas in a pod…..

    They must be getting low on spending money….cause a stink…..

    Get some Deep State money and go back to……doing nothing.

  6. Miss Lindsay is getting ready to think about considering having a hearing to get ready to think about considering making a recommendation to possibly prepare for the possibility of doing his fscking job. BAU.

  7. Who gives a shit? This useless faggot is running a dog and pony show designed to protect him and his, thankfully, dead butt-buddy Johnny McVain, both of whom were as big a part of all this as Obama, Comey, etc.

  8. obama and the rest belong in prison or in front of a firing squad

    the only way this will happen is if the citizens take it upon themselves to bring them to justice

    i feel sorry for DJT suffering for four years hoping for those who slander and demean him to be brought to justice only to have the members of his own party stab him in the back like this.

  9. The second Flimsy does anything beside point fingers and flap his gums, the media will suddenly end up with all these “anonymous sources” providing detailed information about his involvement in the Keating 5 and his trips to Epstein’s island. Bathhouse Barry owns his ass, just like the rest of the RINOs.

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