Sen. Graham: Trump Deserves Nobel Peace Prize If NoKo Ends Nuclear Program – IOTW Report

Sen. Graham: Trump Deserves Nobel Peace Prize If NoKo Ends Nuclear Program

FOX: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said the dramatic announcement that North and South Korean leaders will work toward a “nuclear-free Korean Peninsula” and try to officially end the Korean War would not have been possible without President Trump.

The joint announcement that both sides agreed to a framework that could finally bring peace to the Korean Peninsula and potentially end decades of tension between the Hermit Kingdom and the global community came after a historic meeting between South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un

“Donald Trump convinced North Korea and China he was serious about bringing about change. We’re not there yet, but if this happens, President Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize,” Graham said Friday on “Fox & Friends.”  read more

25 Comments on Sen. Graham: Trump Deserves Nobel Peace Prize If NoKo Ends Nuclear Program

  1. highly doubtful …. it will make a mockery of O’Breezy’s Prize for Showing Up
    they didn’t give Reagan one for the collapse of the Soviet Union … probably give it to Kim & Moon

    Trump should just say, “That’s ok …. as the great Ronald Reagan said, ‘There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don’t care who gets the credit.’ … besides Li’l Kim needs the $$$ more than I do”.

  2. If you’d told me a year ago that NoKo would end its nuclear program before Mueller ended his investigation, I’d have called you crazy. Trump should gat a Nobel just for enduring.

  3. Of course President Trump deserves the NPP. But do we think he’ll get it? Considering the Nobel Prize Committee’s Libtard leanings, highly unlikely.
    But We, The People, know who deserves it.

  4. As Trump, I would want a Nobel Peace Prize as much as to have Obama attach the Congressional Medal of Honor around my neck.

    It cheapens and soils the honor somehow when Obama is involved.

  5. remember … the Nobel “Peace” Prize was given to Yasser Arafat …. ’nuff said

    … it’s been a bogus POS award for decades …

    it’s like the Kennedy’s setting up a ‘Profiles in Courage’ Award & giving it to ….wait for it ……. Teddy! …. SURPRISE!!!

  6. If Trump makes it happen he deserves a special honor for peace.

    The Nobel Peace prize has outlasted its original intent, and has become a parody of its original purpose. It has little real value anymore in my view. Unless someone can find a legitimate reason for it being given to Obumbles I see no reason for abandoning that opinion.

  7. how many signatures you think we could get for the IOTW peace prize for PDT?????

    wouldn’t come with the six digit prize, but he doesn’t really need that…..let’s do this, just because we can….. it would be the FIRST IN HISTORY, no?……:)


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