Sen. Hawley challenges Sen. Toomey to a debate on the Senate floor – IOTW Report

Sen. Hawley challenges Sen. Toomey to a debate on the Senate floor

Geller Report:

Hawley will destroy Toomey, but that two-faced, yellow-bellied quisling will never accept.

Hawley is the real deal. We have him to thank for leading the charge.

12 Comments on Sen. Hawley challenges Sen. Toomey to a debate on the Senate floor

  1. Toomey has always been a “which way is the wind blowing” Republican. I doubt that he will support the agenda of the right. I do hope that Hawley will, but based on the last few months, I am not so confident. Please, Mr. Hawley, prove me wrong.

  2. Hawley’s alright. He was the first one in the Senate to contest the vote.
    I don’t know why Rand Paul wasn’t the first. He’s always jumping out of his seat like he has an itchy ass to say something when no one asks him to.

  3. ANY Republican who maintains the pretense that America still exists is either delusional or a traitor. There is no middle ground.
    If an election, any election, can be blatantly stolen while the “loyal opposition” stares at the sky, inquiring of the weather, then the Republic is finished.
    At some point, Americans will shout: “You Cannot Pass!” or “This Will Not Stand!” or ” ¡No pasarán!” as the Communists cried in 1937 Spain.

    If we continue to pretend that the Republic still exists, we will find ourselves much disadvantaged.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. If you’re smart, you only accept debates you know you can win. You lose almost nothing of any significance by declining them and risk losing a great deal by accepting them if you do.

  5. Pennsylvania hasn’t had a good Senator in my lifetime (65 years) and that really really really sucks – our only good Governor got shit-canned because he dared to stop funding fraud and waste.

    Toomey is the little engine that couldn’t and Casey has a silver spoon up his ass.

    One of the reasons I’m an Independent voter now….


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