Sen. Joe Manchin’s daughter, Mylan CEO, on Inflating EpiPen Prices: I Wasn’t Going to Apologize ‘for Operating in the System’ – IOTW Report

Sen. Joe Manchin’s daughter, Mylan CEO, on Inflating EpiPen Prices: I Wasn’t Going to Apologize ‘for Operating in the System’

 Not only was it revealed that Mylan and its subsidiaries witnessed a sudden spike in government funding after Bresch took over as CEO in 2012, but the company’s executives have donated heavily to Manchin in recent months even as Mylan planned layoffs at its West Virginia plant.

WFB: Heather Bresch, the CEO of Mylan N.V., argued she and her company, which drew controversy for increasing the price of EpiPen devices by nearly 500 percent, had nothing to apologize for since they were “operating in the system that existed.”

Bresch, who is also the daughter of Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin (W.Va.), appeared Monday on CNN’s “Boss Files” podcast with Poppy Harlow to discuss her tenure at the helm of the pharmaceutical giant.

Mylan first sparked controversy in 2016 when it came to light the company raised the price of a two-pack EpiPen injector from around $100 in 2007, when it first acquired the life-saving treatment, to over $600 in 2016, when it controlled 85 percent of the drug’s the market share. The company’s decision to hike the price of EpiPen 15 times, nearly 500 percent, in less than a decade drew widespread rebuke and accusations of price-gouging. more

13 Comments on Sen. Joe Manchin’s daughter, Mylan CEO, on Inflating EpiPen Prices: I Wasn’t Going to Apologize ‘for Operating in the System’

  1. “..had nothing to apologize for since they were “operating in the system that existed.”

    IOW, “My Daddy is a Senator and Senators can do anything they want to do, up to and including making anything I want legal. So, nya nya nya boo boo! ”

    No! There’s not a SMIDGEN of corruption in the federal government. Don’t believe your lying eyes.

  2. She should be in prison.
    How many children died of anaphylactic shock because the parents couldn’t afford to have an epi pen handy?
    That’s a calculable number and it should be shoved right in her face at the beginning of every interview.
    She should be hounded for the rest of her life.

  3. Manchin tries to play both sides of the political spectrum but it must be hard to have his little girl turn out to be one of the worst sort of capitalists. I don’t think she has any redeeming features and as such is likely to continue to thrive in the twisted version of capitalism that she and far too many others work in.

  4. Capitalists risked THEIR OWN capital. There are no capitalists today. Think ‘crowd fund’.

    There are crowds of criminals that have stolen this nation’s capital, both public and private.

    Writing a law to steal, then ‘legally’ stealing, is still a sin. An abomination.

    Who amongst the wealthy these days has ‘earned’ any of it?!

  5. “I have nothing to apologize for” , or close variation, must be the new goto catchy phrase of choice this week. First was Billybub who sees no reason to apologize to Monica. Now Heather sees no reason to apologize for the huge price jump.

    You may recall Heather & Daddy Joe were caught up in a controversy several years ago about her being given a degree from WVU that it was claimed she did not fully earn. I don’t recall how the story ended. I think WVU cleaned house with a new president & other changes, but I don’t remember the issuance of an unearned degree being corrected, seems It just faded away after being swept under the rug.


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