Sen. John Kennedy Roasts Biden’s Crack Pipe Program – IOTW Report

Sen. John Kennedy Roasts Biden’s Crack Pipe Program

‘When Reality Calls, the Biden Administration Hangs Up’

PJM: Senator John Kennedy (R-La.) had some strong words when he responded to the Biden administration’s plan to provide sterile crack pipes to drug addicts. Recently, the president signed off on a $30 million program through the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to make drug use safer. As PJ Media’s Chris Queen noted, a covered item in the grant program is “smoking kits/supplies.” The grant assists non-profits in supplying more than crack pipes. Syringes, fentanyl strips, tests to screen for diseases, and condoms are also covered. However, the focus is on the items that seem to encourage drug use.

Because everything is ironic, handing out clean drug paraphernalia is part of the 2022 “harm reduction program” for HHS. Kennedy blames programs like this on the “wokeism” that “runs in the Democratic family.” He noted that woke Democrats run many of our large urban areas. Then he described the worldview that underpins programs like handing out free crack pipes and leads to higher crime rates. “Wokers believe that the criminal is a victim.” This analysis is 100% correct. Victimhood is the currency of the Left, and the more victim categories you can claim, the more free stuff they will throw at you.

Kennedy continued, “Wokers believe that when a criminal commits a crime, it’s not the criminal’s fault. It’s the fault of an unfair world.” Incredibly, Team Biden thinks free crack pipes will make the world more “equitable.” Kennedy wasn’t finished. “And wokers believe that punishment and prisons and cops just make things worse. And the American people don’t believe that.” In fact, many Americans probably agree with the senator’s bottom line on woke criminal justice policies. “Unless you have the IQ of a garden pest, you know you cannot order civilized society based on that worldview.” read more

11 Comments on Sen. John Kennedy Roasts Biden’s Crack Pipe Program

  1. This is what happens when you STEAL elections and people who are in rightful positions of power to stop election fraud don’t do 💩.

    May Justice be unmerciful upon all of them on this side of Eternity…

  2. This proves that Humper Biden really is the smartest person Joey Obiden Bama ever knew. How much money do you think the Obiden Family will rake in when Humper gets the contract to supply these ChiCom manufactured crack pipes? Of course, isn’t the real money going to be made when crack and smack are legalized? The Dementiacrats are true Masters of the Insane Universe.

  3. If there isn’t a vulnerable population that progressives haven’t tried to exploit it is a well kept secret. They are a one trick pony, are they not?

    Never one time in my lifetime have I seen otherwise. I remember that as a kid growing up they objected to AA having a spiritual component and that was over fifty years ago. I also remember the rationale: it was exclusionary. I also remember commenting on that nonsense and being labeled a reactionary and Bircher. Which was fine with me.

  4. Defund the police and forbid them from pursuing felons that steal and kill, encourage drug use of every kind. I know that’s the short list, but what could go wrong?
    Almost like they want total a breakdown.
    They are going to try and nationalize all cops for our safety.


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