Sen. Kamala Harris Takes Aim At Trump, Takes Out Her Own State By Accident – IOTW Report

Sen. Kamala Harris Takes Aim At Trump, Takes Out Her Own State By Accident

DC: California Democratic Senator Kamala Harris went on the attack Wednesday, calling President Donald Trump’s plan for a border wall a “gross misuse of taxpayer money.”

Harris, who is expected to be a on the Democrats’ 2020 bench, was quickly reminded by her followers that illegal immigration — which a more secured border would likely reduce — is costing her home state over $25 billion annually.

Harris’ state is home to some 2.5 million illegal immigrants, which amounts to only 6 percent of the population of California, but one-fourth of the illegal immigrants in the United States.  MORE

23 Comments on Sen. Kamala Harris Takes Aim At Trump, Takes Out Her Own State By Accident

  1. Harris knows the numbers and she’s doubling down. So what if the CA taxpayers are upset. The number of illegals they just registered to vote + prior numbers of illegals voting + dead ppl + dirty election officials v legal US citizens/taxpayers… I’d take her odds too.

  2. I love this in your face return fire. The Dems have gotten away with their attacks unchecked. It is effective to hit back and harder than they hit you! Hence Trump 51% approval. And their crying about needing censorship and fact checking is a direct result of the effectiveness.

  3. the majority want this illegal immigration ended.

    the minority have weaponized the illegals against the majority.

    who is the majority ?

    I am the majority !

  4. There’s a story and video on Breitbart of Harris on the Ellen show. Ellen asks her who she would rather ride in an elevator with, Trump, Pence or Sessions. Harris then laughs and asks if one of them would have to come out alive. Ellen thought it was so funny she put her cue cards down to clap.
    Now the first time Harris’ policies are attacked she’ll whine about misogyny and civility.
    Anonymous is right, her biscuits aren’t quite done.

  5. My biscuits are more intelligent than this goofy bitch. She’s in the running with maxine waters for craziest congresscritter in history. That’s what you dims think is a viable candidate? Bring it on idjuts.

  6. It’s WAAAAY more than 2.5M. The number is 3-4 times that much, MINIMUM. Go have a look in CA, if you haven’t already. Illegals plus their kids (which I consider illegal also) could be well over 20M in CA.

  7. @bill April 6, 2018 at 7:06 am

    > the majority want …

    What are you counting? Because what you count matters at least as much as how you count (i.e. the Electoral College). The vast, vast, pouting majority of Americans, can’t even find their shoes, let alone put them on, to take the streets. To take the streets from, before they are taken by, those that call those pouty Americans their enemies. And if those upset Americans find out they’ve missed the battle? “Well, good. I, I mean, oh noes! I’ll whine strongly on Facebook of my displeasure. So someone the people who took over the streets hired, to extort me for funds, will know I’m unhaaaapy. Right after I finish paying the new collector at the door.”

    The number of people who will get off the couch, and end the problem of Americans complaining in the streets, about their putative mistreatment (those Americans support, morally and financially, an unlimited government — oh, hush!, you know you do), far outnumbers the Americans that will take the streets to end their own subjugation. Even in a “fair and honest” vote, of those willing to act, the communalists win. Handily.

  8. This repulsive strumpet is just trying to get face time on the national stage anyway she can. Don’t be surprised if she performs with a donkey on youtube soon.

  9. @flip April 6, 2018 at 8:06 am

    Stupid people will continue to rule as long as stupid people accept them in power.

    Stupid people will continue to rule as long as other people accept them in power.

  10. It’s par for the left. Find someone completely revolting to normal americans and groom them for the white house. She’s a common tramp thats one step above a street walker so that puts her on top of the steaming heap of candidates.


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