Sen. Katie Britt delivers Republican response to Joe Biden’s State of Ukraine Address – IOTW Report

Sen. Katie Britt delivers Republican response to Joe Biden’s State of Ukraine Address

61 Comments on Sen. Katie Britt delivers Republican response to Joe Biden’s State of Ukraine Address

  1. What a RINO whiner. Yeah, she talked about Demwit Joe’s lies about the economy, Afghanistan, Ukraine, the border crisis etc. and how the Republicans are looking after the middle class (sure, ok), but her fake emotional delivery was libtard.
    Her main focus was on the pro-life agenda from only a woman’s perspective, not how it affects the nation. I don’t think she mentioned President Trump at all. Hope Trump isn’t interested in her for VP. She’s annoying.

  2. God Bless Steve Nikoui whose son, Kareem, was killed at Abbey Gate, Afghanistan. LCpl Kareem Nikoui along with other Marines was killed during brandon’s disastrous withdrawal. Semper Fi and Uuurr—-Rraahh! I bellow.
    Mr. Nikoui, that took guts, knowing you’d be hauled out in cuffs and probably jailed. Hat off, Sir. Til Valhalla Kareem, til Valhalla.

  3. Katie Britt was awful. I couldn’t tell if she was trying not to cry or trying not to wet her pants. I had to turn her off. We are not 4 year old children for her audience. Shud-duppppp!

  4. Too much emotion, like way over the top emotion. Not the right kind, what do you call it, defensive emotion? It’s too reactionary and I get that it’s a response, but a clear cut offensive plan needs to be delivered instead and let the people make their own emotions on said plan. She seems to have a strong desire to wrangle the lower denominators; hell who am I to say, maybe that’s what we need in the party, a bunch of lofos reacting on emotion. Dominion has no emotion though.

  5. Watched the first two minutes, skipped through the rest. Katie Britt is an annoying speaker; I don’t give a shit what her family discusses around their kitchen table. Bad choice for rebuttal, Republicans! Next time, get Ted Cruz.

  6. Good God, I had no idea how clueless the Senate is. Hope the Pageant Vaseline behind her lips didn’t hurt much. Probably made it better later for the RINO Dk.

    A tearful “mom” is not who should have given the rebuttal. 🙄 What contempt.

    Looks like the conflict will be on two fronts.

  7. My family loved her. I read these comments to my husband and he doesn’t get on this or any blog sites so he doesn’t know that most people on here are conservatives but anyways he said ‘they must be a bunch of democrats’ . Then I got to thinking you guys are normal republicans who never stick up for each other. That’s republicans problem all along we don’t defend people that’s on our side.

  8. Too sappy and crappy! I don’t know what the Republicans were thinking, but they once again demonstrated that they have no will or intentions of fighting the democRATz FOR the American people!

  9. Couldn’t watch it. I tried a couple times but it was like a cross between a hemorrhoid cream and free legal advice commercial…..But that’s just me.

  10. Farm Wife is exactly correct.

    I was exhibiting cringe-face along with everyone else but I was listening to the message. Yes, she needs polish and work on her delivery but like it or not, she is the future of the GOP. And unlike some crotchety old geezer like Biden telling everyone to get off his lawn (brilliant contrast, BTW, using someone young) she came from a position of having skin in the game, raising a family who will inherit this country and wants to save it for their sake.

    Is she ready for the big leagues? Probably not but I am thrilled and inspired that this is the face, the person who we pass the baton to, normal country loving God fearing folk who have something to contribute, who recognize where the fight lies and is willing to pick up a sword.

  11. I got through 35 seconds.she seemed like someone running for homecoming queen instead of rebutting the most corrupt POS to ever sit in the Oval Office. I’m sure she’s a nice lady, and good wife and mother, but the wrong choice for kicking ass! Figuratively of course.

  12. Being from Alabama, I did not vote for her but Mo Brooks. She worked for Richard Shelby (who finally retired in his 80s) so she was the RINO heir apparent. Too whiny for this woman and too dramatic by half.

  13. I was too measured in my first comment. Truth be told she was terrible. This woman has the same creepy, despicable vibe as Nero Nikki with better manipulation skills. She’s definitely GOP NeoCon.

    That phony tear jerker speech was a tell this woman’s priority is to support the compromised GOP establishment, court Demwits, not conservatives. American First, she ain’t.

    I lasted about 10 minutes at first (it was painful) and went back hoping for improvement, but it got worse. If this woman is the future of the GOP, we are in deep doo doo.

    We need patriotic young people in Congress willing to confront the Demoncrats, calling the out on their bulls**t AND doing something about it. There’s no time to tolerate “across the aisle” saboteurs like Miss Britt.

  14. The fire in Lahaina was not natural. It was not an “act of God”. That fire was an attack! Hundreds of kids are gone. Some where turned to dust, some were kidnapped, some have been opened up for their organs and I am sure some have been harvested for their blood with the special ingredient the demons crave. The mechanism for the fire looks to have been repeated in Texas and the evidence shows this same mechanism was used in California.

    We are under attack by evil within our own government. I want warriors both verbally and figuratively. Until now I did not know who Senator Britt was. That alone proves to me she is not a warrior even if some think she will “pick up a sword”. As of yet she has not. That speech was not even “saber rattling”. After that speech rather than hand her a sword, I would hand her a kleenex.

    I believe in prayer, but remember David also had to pick up a stone.

  15. ^^^^^^^
    They cut the power. They cut the water off. Emergency personnel directed fleeing residence back into the flames. For some reason school was out that day in the middle of the week. Nothing goes that wrong with out some sort of evil involved. The true death toll will never be disclosed but the number of body bags they used is over 1,000.
    And some of those people are still voting Democrat.

  16. Does anyone really think Kari Lake did not win the Governorship in 2022? Oh sure, the criminals stole it, and some people still believe we have had legitimate elections but I can’t imagine anyone really believing that the current governor of Arizona won a legitimate and honest election.

  17. Kari should invite Ron DeSantis out to campaign for her again.
    He did during her last run, took the time, even though he was in a campaign himself.
    Oh, that’s right, she crapped all over him when he ran against Trump and burned that bridge forever.
    Shortsighted and dumb.

  18. “Does anyone really think Kari Lake did not win the Governorship in 2022?”

    And yet, anyone walking by the governor’s office will see “Katie Hobbs” prominently displayed on the door.

    Right now, the only impression Kari is making is whipping up the MAGA faithful into a frenzy, and leaving nose prints on the windows of the governor’s office as she looks in and wonders what might have been.

    The only thing this, “She really did win but was cheated” stuff is good for is to make sure that it doesn’t happen again, and so far I have seen nothing in those 4 critical states (Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, and Wisconsin) that addresses election reform.

  19. “And yet, anyone walking by the governor’s office will see “Katie Hobbs” prominently displayed on the door. ”

    So you two are of the philosophy it doesn’t matter how you obtain that office, once there it’s over?
    Or are you saying the MAGA crowd, which you’re clearly not part of, is delusional and no voter fraud took place.
    Let me be more specific, massive voter fraud took place and we should just suck it up and accept it for what it is?

  20. No Brad, solutions are needed so it doesn’t happen again.
    The devil is in the details.
    How it was fraudulent is what needs discussing.
    Saying “Trump is the real president, Kari is the real governor” does nothing to advance the cause.

  21. “So you two are of the philosophy it doesn’t matter how you obtain that office, once there it’s over?”

    Non sequitur

    “Or are you saying the MAGA crowd, which you’re clearly not part of, is delusional and no voter fraud took place.”

    Double Non sequitur

    “Let me be more specific, massive voter fraud took place and we should just suck it up and accept it for what it is?”

    Strike three, you’re out, why even bother picking up a bat?

    None of that gobbly gook is what I said, crickey.

  22. “Non sequitur”

    Seems pretty fucking logical to me. Maybe you’ve moved the goal posts so many times you can’t keep track. I got shit to do. I’m out.

  23. “Seems pretty fucking logical to me.”

    No doubt, you are the poster boy for The Dunning–Kruger effect.

    I know you don’t care, and that’s fine but I suggest you re read my comment and you will see that you missed the implication by a mile.

  24. “MAGA seems to require a blind allegiance.”

    I posed that question to the group a few months back, nobody could give me an answer.

    I asked what exactly was required to join their club. Since I thought he was a great president, voted for him twice, liked 95% of his policies, thought the country fared quite well under his tutelage, and would enthusiastically vote for him this November, if I was MAGA? Brad clearly answered my question above, saying I wasn’t. Oh well.

  25. “It doesn’t sound like Rich and Loco would agree with this”

    I’m astounded that you got so far in life without even a minimal amount of reading comprehension skills. This is what I typed earlier;

    “The only thing this, “She really did win but was cheated” stuff is good for is to make sure that it doesn’t happen again, and so far I have seen nothing in those 4 critical states (Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, and Wisconsin) that addresses election reform.”

    What do you think the “it” was in that statement? I identified 4 specific states that need election reform,, otherwise, the “it” will happen again. Sounds like Tucker and I are on the same page, which any rational thinking person would see.

  26. ^^^^ Did she lose? Yes she did, is she a “Loser” candidate? Well, this should have been your clue;

    “Yes, Kari is “The Man!!”, precise, articulate, compelling, and on message”

    Now does that sound like I think she is a “loser” candidate?

    Try again.

  27. “And yet, anyone walking by the governor’s office will see “Katie Hobbs” prominently displayed on the door.

    Right now, the only impression Kari is making is whipping up the MAGA faithful into a frenzy, and leaving nose prints on the windows of the governor’s office as she looks in and wonders what might have been.”

    That’s seems pretty fucking hypocritical to me. But hey, I’m just a rube. Not nearly as smart as you.
    Although I do understand the Make America Great Again movement. And nobody had to explain it to me. You don’t understand it because you don’t agree with it.

  28. ^^^^ You keep making accusations you can’t back up.

    “You don’t understand it because you don’t agree with it.”

    What don’t I understand and what don’t I agree with? Specifics, please.

  29. Hubby says, “Idunno, she was gentle wee girl, a great contrast to that bellowing bastard. She give me more sense of hope than that contrary man trying to divide the country. The world is generally made up of sweet, polite people like herself. I don’t think the average person out in the world would tolerate that old man shoutin’ at them; he’d be told where to go real quick.”

    Me, I found her a bit too emotional (on the verge of tears) but, maybe she can reach some of my liberal sisters who vote based on emotion. I think it was worth a try.


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