Sen Kennedy Shows Cash the Govt. Allegedly Mailed to One of His Constituents – IOTW Report

Sen Kennedy Shows Cash the Govt. Allegedly Mailed to One of His Constituents

This is an interesting development that needs answers.

8 Comments on Sen Kennedy Shows Cash the Govt. Allegedly Mailed to One of His Constituents

  1. And that fucking Jabroni just laughed at it.

    If people don’t start going to jail, they are going to reap what they sow.

    There is a reason you cant go to your local gun shop, or even the big boys like Cabella’s/Bass Pro and buy ammo. But the department of education is armed to the gills.

    And hello Obiden’s minions, I know you will see this.

  2. In one presidency – and the coming planned hyperinfaltion – our money has been turned into Monopoly money.

    Gruesome pain is coming our way. We have to return it in kind.

  3. Kennedys first mistake is assuming Marty Walsh will do anything. That partisan hack lives for that kind of stuff. Marty is a union enforcer straight from Boston.


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