Sen. Lamar Alexander gives farewell address from Senate floor – IOTW Report

Sen. Lamar Alexander gives farewell address from Senate floor

WASHINGTON (WTVF/AP) — Retiring U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander (R — Tenn.) gave his farewell address from the Senate floor Wednesday morning, urging for a “change of behavior” and asked his colleagues to stop blocking each other’s amendments.

Alexander is retiring after more than 40 years in public service. In his farewell address to the Senate, Alexander said: “It’s hard to get here, it’s hard to stay here, and while we’re here we might as well try to accomplish something good for the country.” more

20 Comments on Sen. Lamar Alexander gives farewell address from Senate floor

  1. M kay. Bye.
    See ya.
    You have been of no use.
    Why do Tennesseans give us such wonderful gifts like al gore and Lamar Alexander? I suspect that Tennessee have better citizens than that.
    I happen to be friends with a few.

  2. I worked his first campaign for governor when I was in high school. Please forgive me; I was young and didn’t know better. Little did I know he was one of the archetypal RINOs. Go home to Maryville and drop dead, Lamar.

  3. This douche reminds me of our own RINOs, Dan Coats & Dick Lugar. These guys were all buds, weren’t they? Selling the US down the river so that they could hang out with dudes like Klaus “Mr. Reset”.


  4. I fully understand why the founding fathers did not include ‘term limits’, it was so the people could keep good politicians in office if they were so inclined.

    However, the liberals eventually made it possible for every ignorant American to cast a vote and……here we are.

  5. The TNGOP hates conservatives and is just a wing of the Uniparty.

    They’ve refused to even seriously field a candidate against Jim Cooper as long as I can recall – ceding the Nashville House seat to that no upper lip having Steve Cohen-lite.

    I asked one of them on the TennesseeStar site about it and they said it was strategic.

    Fuck ’em all. The Alexanders, the Frists, the Blackburns. Now Hagerty. Anyone who has heard Blackburn speak in the last decade knows she doesn’t talk conservative as a native language and 1994 was a long time ago.

    They rig our elections to get the most moderate mushy middlers.

  6. Eagerly awaiting your obituary being published real soon you worthless, lying, corrupt piece of shit. His whole time as Senator principally consisted of dick sucking all the democrat communists in the Senate. Fuck off and die.

  7. The more of a disloyal backstabbing self serving slug you are the more you ascend to the highest ranks in politics.
    He’s just another slithering lowlife cut from the same cloth as McConnell.
    There’ll be another parasite squirming to fill his position instantly and other than a different face unnoticeable.

  8. @Cliche Guevara, you’ve summed up the political situation in Tennessee quite well. We try to field Conservative candidates and they ALL fall by the wayside. I have little faith in what Hagerty will bring.

    Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.


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