Sen. Lindsey Graham Slams Mitch McConnell’s ‘Unpardonable Sin’ of Surrendering on Obamacare – IOTW Report

Sen. Lindsey Graham Slams Mitch McConnell’s ‘Unpardonable Sin’ of Surrendering on Obamacare

Breitbart: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview that he continues to work with Vice President Mike Pence and the White House on a revived Graham-Cassidy Obamacare repeal bill.

Graham rebuked Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) assertion that Republicans should move on from Obamacare repeal, calling it an “unpardonable sin.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell admitted that “We’ll probably move on to other issues” after failing to repeal Obamacare on multiple occasions. Graham called it an “unpardonable sin” to not try as hard to repeal Obamacare as Democrats tried to pass it.

Graham told Breitbart News exclusively that he plans to revive the Graham-Cassidy Obamacare block-grant repeal legislation.

“Repealing the individual mandate takes away one of the pillars, but by no means does it repeal and replace Obamacare,” Sen. Graham told Breitbart News. “My goal for 2018 is to block grant the money for Obamacare back to the states and putting money in the hands of elected officials and not Washington bureaucrats.”

Graham elaborated, “I am more committed than ever to replacing Obamacare. I think it would be a huge mistake for a Republican to believe that we’re done with Obamacare. It is still the law of the land, it is still crumbling, driving up costs for hard-working America. It’s still the path to single-payer healthcare unless it’s replaced.”  more

SNIP: Sounds like Linds made a deal with Dean Heller, ole stretchface from Nevada, to throw shade on Mitch McConnell.
And in return, will Lindsey will support Heller against Tarkanian in the next race?


6 Comments on Sen. Lindsey Graham Slams Mitch McConnell’s ‘Unpardonable Sin’ of Surrendering on Obamacare

  1. Because of the particular rules for the Senate it is up to them to come up with a workable bill and not the House. I don’t know what can be done with only 51 votes, certainly no possibility in 2018 of getting 60. I am incredibly grateful that the penalty is gone, but what more is possible with 51 votes under Senate rules?

  2. McCONnell & Ryan the bi-partisan Obama lackeys who never wavered funding Obamacare under the Obama administration.

    Ol’ Mitch played a major role in turning Alabama to elect a democrat senator, as well as, the weak kneed country club RINO Thad Cochran in Mississippi.

    And now he wonders why his leadership is questioned and he can’t get anything accomplished.

  3. Right on. Get the damned gummit out of Health care. It’s not their responsibility, they have no idea what they’re doing, and like most of what the gummit gets involved with, they made health care a disastrous, inefficient, and expensive mess. Turn health care over to competitive free market capitalists. Oh, and do something about Tort reform.

  4. Dan, I think the Bill that McStain voted down had 13 items it would repeal. Several that came before it were even larger. The changes have to be financial. But it’s been argued that since John Roberts said Obungholecare is a tax, that the whole thing is up for grabs. Repeal the tax. If 20 or so Demoslimes are soon to be facing molestation charges, they may decide to do something good for the country for a change…. if it might help them with a gentle prosecution.

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