Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) intern, Caitlin Marriott, suspended 1 week for yelling “F—k you!” to Pres Trump – IOTW Report

Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) intern, Caitlin Marriott, suspended 1 week for yelling “F—k you!” to Pres Trump

DC: The identity of a woman who yelled “F*** Trump” at President Donald Trump across the Capitol Rotunda was revealed on Monday as a Democratic Senate intern — and reports indicate that she will not lose her position as a result of her actions.

Congressional Intern who cursed at Trump across the Capitol Rotunda has been identified. Is currently interning in the office of Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH). Fox is told they have not been terminated and will continue to work there through August, per Fox’s Chad Pergram,” tweeted Fox News Sunday producer Pat Ward.  MORE

13 Comments on Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) intern, Caitlin Marriott, suspended 1 week for yelling “F—k you!” to Pres Trump

  1. Oh dear. Suspended for one week. How horrible. (/sarc) That’s not even a slap on the wrist.
    But now that her name is out, and what she did, I predict she will have problems gaining future employment.

  2. Did you see where Nunez put out the call to harass the woman and her family 24/7? Did you see the tape where the family was SWATed? Ivanka is the logical suspect, who else would do that?

    Someone out there called for maple syrup boycott. Even though the syrup comes from Vermont and not NH, it’s close enough.

    Apparently, all of her credit cards have been hacked and someone ordered a cement truck. The whole 9-yards were dumped on her mother’s driveway.

    An anonymous source leaked that she is now a person of interest in the Russia collusion investigation.

    Acting on a tip, police searched her car and found enough fentanyl to kill every man woman and child in North America.


  3. @Zonga June 26, 2018 at 6:33 am

    > Acting on a tip, police searched her car and found enough fentanyl to kill every man woman and child in North America.

    Lucky for xer the F…B…I is too busy protecting us from Russians, or that biggest kiddie porn collection in history would have been found, as well.


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