Sen. Mazie Hirono (D wants the FBI to investigate Kavanaugh’s ice throwing – IOTW Report

Sen. Mazie Hirono (D wants the FBI to investigate Kavanaugh’s ice throwing

CFP: As you may have heard, a new horror story has emerged from Brett Kavanaugh’s past.  It’s a tale so harrowing – so absolutely beyond the pale – that Democrats are simply beside themselves with angst and hand-wringing. There are simply not enough hours in the day to clutch all the pearls that need to be clutched.

Democrats, of course, are not taking this egregious act of violence lightly

Brace yourself, because it seems that – sometime during his college years – Kavanaugh may have thrown some ice at someone.  Heck, he may have thrown an entire drink. Democrats, of course, are not taking this egregious act of violence lightly.

The usual suspects (Mazie Hirono in this case) are demanding that the FBI expose the matter.  more

SNIP: No one can convince me that this woman is NOT a stoner.

34 Comments on Sen. Mazie Hirono (D wants the FBI to investigate Kavanaugh’s ice throwing

  1. In some cases there is a fine line between imbecile and stoner. In Mazie’s case my money would be on the former. Someone needs to politely point out to her that retarded and evil is no way to go through life. (Kinda like this)

  2. I bet he threw snowballs as a kid too!!!!….

    Hell, I had a pretty good arm as a kid….when I threw a snowball at your eye, there was a pretty good chance that it hit you in your eye…

  3. Maybe the Supreme Court needs more ice-throwing and vigorous argument among the Justices. Perhaps, too much nice-nice and patty-cake with the “moderates” (viz Democrats) makes for bad decisions.

    How can a Court be “non-partisan” when every Justice is selected and vetted specifically for his or her views on the most partisan issues of the day?

  4. Sounds like this crunt has been huffing too much smoke from the active volcano in her state to alter her mind to come up with this crap. Kind of like a drunk seeing “Pink Elephants”.

  5. *I* once dumped an entire Big Gulp over my college boyfriend’s roommate’s head. There were witnesses. I swear he deserved it.

    Now, if you’ll please excuse me while I go turn myself in to be reeducated at the local camp. Sadly, I will never be Supreme Court material.


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