Sen. McCaskill’s family foundation pays the Russians – IOTW Report

Sen. McCaskill’s family foundation pays the Russians

Canada Free Press: As if Washington didn’t have enough Russian scandals, or supposed scandals, Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) has provided another one. The Washington Free Beacon’s Brent Scher recently reported that Sen. McCaskill used a philanthropic foundation that she and her husband, Joseph Shepard, created in 2013—the Shepard Family Foundation in St. Louis—”to pay for a dinner she attended at Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak’s Washington, D.C., residence” in honor of a Missouri congressman in 2015.

The Shepard Family Foundation supports many nonprofit organizations, most of them in Missouri.  But in 2015 it also paid $873 to the American-Russian Cultural Cooperation Foundation, Scher reports, where Russian Amb. Sergey Kislyak is honorary chairman of the board.

The report is interesting to many because, while McCaskill is a stern critic of the meetings, contacts, or conversations that U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions had with Kislyak, she claimed in March that she’d never had any similar meetings or conversations with Kislyak.

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5 Comments on Sen. McCaskill’s family foundation pays the Russians

  1. Is the NY AG investigating the Clinton Foundation for donations to a for-profit corporation co-owned by Bill’s “energizer bunny” or for the payments made for Chelsea’s wedding? I think I hear the sounds of crickets!

  2. I am afraid she will be reelected in 2018. For some reason every Republican in this state is afraid to run against her. What has she done as a MO senator? Was 0zero’s biggest supporter, early Killary supporter, kissed-up to veteran’s organizations and continually attacked

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