Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) Lavishes Elizabeth Warren With Praise, Excoriates Trump – IOTW Report

Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) Lavishes Elizabeth Warren With Praise, Excoriates Trump

Breitbart: Following his tirade last week against the presumptive GOP nominee, Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) maintains that he still has “no plans” to endorse Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton.

“Sen. Lee has not endorsed Donald Trump and has no plans to do so,” Lee’s spokesman told Breitbart News after Lee made headlines for suggesting that his Party’s standard-bearer is “religiously intolerant.”

By contrast, in an interview with the anti-Trump Huffington Post, Lee oozed praise for far-left Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), a potential VP contender for the Democratic Presidential ticket and avowed Trump opponent. Lee described Warren as “captivating,” “smart,” “talented,” “formidable,” “persuasive,” and a “hero” to Democrats.

It is perhaps interesting that Lee would do an interview with a publication that, in an editors’ note at the bottom of every article about Trump, insists that the nominee selected by the Republican electorate is “a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist, and birther.” 

The ultimate effect of Lee’s decision to air his comments in the Huffington Post could perhaps seem to lend credibility to the publication’s implicit commentary against the Republican electorate.

When asked if the Senator agrees with the Huffington Post’s anti-Trump editors’ note, Lee’s office did not answer. Instead, Lee’s office said that he did the interview praising far-left Senator Warren as part of Lee’s effort to promote his book about defending our Constitution and our fundamental liberties from big government.  MORE

50 Comments on Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) Lavishes Elizabeth Warren With Praise, Excoriates Trump

  1. Although this weasel is more a democrat than republican. He wont change parties because it would cost him his job. I don’ know what this says about the voters in his district.

  2. I was hoping for Cruz but when Trump won I, upon reflection, figured that while Trump was kind of scary and I’m still a little unsure of just how really conservative he is, he was elected fairly and Hillary scares the crap out of me. Conservatives of all stripes need to get behind him now because Hillary may get ditched and replaced with Warren at the convention and she’s carrying less baggage (fake native notwithstanding).

    With this Mike Lee character it’s too late to find a real conservative to have a nomination fight so if I were the folks in his district/state I’d start looking right now and start the dinners, bingos, the fundraisers of all sorts to create a war chest to beat him in a nomination fight next time.

  3. Nice. Now I hope his transgender appoint ‘Misty’ gives him a tough time. Sick and tired of so called conservatives pulling this shit. And I don’t care what you’ve done or how you are rated, if you praise Elizabeth Warren you are not a conservative and you surely don’t give a crap about the country or preserving the constitution.

  4. I would want to read the original source interview, not depend on the editing, bias and agenda by the HuffPo.
    Ditto for the BreitBart interview.
    Something’s wrong here. I originally helped and voted for Chaffetz over Bob Bennett (who felt that he was “entitled” to the next election, to hell with the little people and the caucus process).
    But lately I’m spider-sensing that he’s catching the DC Fever with some bills he’s been proposing.

  5. Things are even worse than we imagine when so-called “Constitutional Conservatives” like Lee and Cruz take such vocal stands against the people’s mandate.

    While they both criticized Obama, they did not heap the same venom and scorn as they do against Trump.

    Roberts wimps out, Comey wimps out, Cruz wimps out, now Lee. Our worst fear is probably not bad enough to explain this.

  6. I have been a loyal reader and commenter of this site for years and still read it on a daily basis. I have always appreciated the banter and wit from my fellow contributors. BUT this latest attack on Mike Lee from many of you is uncalled for, especially the attacks on his religion. You all know that he stood toe to toe with Cruz when no one else would and is FAR FAR more conservative than “little hands” Donald. I get that you are choosing trump because he is better than Hillary and that is true, he is better than Hillary but not by much!! When people like Cruz and Lee etal whom you used to admire, speak against trump, perhaps you should listen to what they are saying. Take it as a warning that this once strong supporter of shillary, who was and still may be for abortion, gun control etc. may be the emperor with no clothes. As you continue to attack anyone that disagrees with you and becoming more like the new Breitbart site, you are pushing those on the fence further and further away from ever voting for trump. And these attacks on religion are just the fodder that the left leaning sites will glean when they want to show how racist and …. the trumpers are.

    Feel free to Ignore or TD this comment. I know that some of you are just not quite ready to see other viewpoints and will just attack those that speak against trump. We had a word for the obama supporters back in 2008 didn’t’ we?
    not a cult!!

  7. The lemmings here run where they are told to run, facts are not relevant.
    Yeah, you will probably get lots of down twinkles from the butthurt snowflakes here. It will be a good excuse to get together for a cry in afterward.

  8. He got a little too weak with the illegal immigration/ muslim refugee problem for my taste.
    And yeah, it’s stupid to make any sort of nice comments about a woman who is in Hillary’s shadow and then get snippy about Trump. ( See, that’s why the left picked up on that. The left are a lot of things, but they aren’t slow.) Oh, because what Trump said of Cruz’s dad being ‘associated’ with JFK assassination? Yeah, dude. Nobody believed it and nobody thought that was even possible, and we know Trump threw that out there to be a bastard.
    Trump won, Cruz and the rest of them didn’t. Get over it, Mike.

  9. This is much ado about nothing
    I read what he says and he did not ‘lavish’ praise on her. He acknowledged her power.
    The guy doesn’t like Trump. That’s his right, he’s allowed.
    But I read what he said and I did not get the picture he was in love with Fauxahauntus.

  10. so here is his exact quote from above article: Lee described Warren as “captivating,” “smart,” “talented,” “formidable,” “persuasive,” and a “hero” to Democrats. See the part about for democrats? You could have said that same thing about the NOKO leader or Putin or … by adding the caveat (to the NOKOs or to Russians etc). Y’all are freaking about anyone that dares speak out against the Donald.

  11. No I dont think he’s in love with Pokey either. But i question his reasons for going to huffpo for that
    Interview ‘admiring’ the squaw, knowing they were going to use him as bait because they know he hates Trump. And for that, Lee needs to clarify if he’s going to support the Republican nominee or not. And so do the others with him.

  12. Who do you think, PJ?


    JohnS is looking at the abyss of irrelevancy; subject/predicate seem to be too abstract a concept for the retarded.

  13. @MJA, NO, that is not the way it is supposed to work. The nominee is supposed to garner support from party members, not call them out like trump did yesterday. The fact that he has to force his own party to support him should cause concern. How well do you really know this guy? He is first and foremost, a shrewd business man and he is associated with some not so nice people. Once again, ask yourself “why are people that I used to believe in, speaking against him and why are people that I have little respect for, like krispy Kreme, in love with him?

  14. This site has excoriated: Krispy Kreme, and Peter King and Corker and Pence in the past, but now that they are on the trump train, you think they are better than Lee and Cruz and Sasse?

  15. Dapenguin, THEY have been trashing Trump as soon as he got in the race.
    And so he trashed them back. Politics.

    Lee gets interview by Huffpo, and they know he’s anti-trump so the warren quote is front and center because she’s hillary’s shadow. Either he went because he didn’t think they’d screw him over, or he went because it could be turned into a shot at Trump. Politics.

  16. Mike Lee.

    “She is very talented.”
    “Every once in awhile when I’m flipping channels at night or something. I come across C-SPAN and I’ll see one of my colleagues speaking somewhere. And once or twice I’ve been flipping channels and have come across Elizabeth Warren and even though I probably disagree with what is being said I find her to be a very talented and persuasive public speaker.”
    “She’s captivating. She is really smart. And I believe she is kind of a hero among a lot of people in the Democratic Party including a lot of people who have been big fans of Bernie Sanders. So I suspect that would be a strong play if Hillary Clinton were to go in that direction.”
    “There is an embarrassment of riches among Senate Democrats who could be strong VP’s. Amy Klobuchar would be good. Tim Kaine would be good and so would Cory Booker,”


    This is unacceptable by Mike Lee.
    I do not like it when Hannity or any other person on the right has ANYTHING at all good to say about ANYONE on the left.
    They are ALLLLLLLL the enemy.
    Each and every one of them.
    So, please stop trying to defend Mike Lee here.
    It was WRONG. The things he said were WRONG>

    And must I remind everyone that the shitstains on the right excoriated Trump for saying Hussein was good at killing terrorists.
    He makes a mention that sounds like faint praise and they use it like a battering ram.
    Mike Lee licks leftist ass and everyone is defending him.

    Please have some dignity when you’re trying to play gotcha politics.

    Be consistent.
    Mike Lee frigged up.

    Take Trump out of the equation and what he’s done is horrific, in my book.
    If you have to put Trump back into the equation to defend Lee you have some real problems.
    Take a step back and see what you’re doing.

  17. Being a politician, he may simply be lying – trying to persuade the Bolsheviks that a Clinton/Fauxohautus ticket might be a formidable team.

    Good advice is to NEVER take advice from your enemies – real or imagined.

    izlamo delenda est …

  18. Reina Del Mundo allow me to say I concur with what dapenguin has said.

    I would like to add this- there are at least 2 states that Trump, as the GOP nominee, should have locked up and that would be Idaho and Utah. Not heavy hitters in the electoral count but they should be calculated as easy wins with no money spent. His first and only hurdle in those states should be “he is a vile little vulgarian” because that fact can be offset by “but he is a better option than Hillary who covered for her serial rapist husband and should be in prison several times over”. Please don’t add another hurdle with “and his followers are rabid Mormon haters who love to heap on the hate”. It is counter productive to a Trump win.

    I have, for the sake of unity pulled back my rhetoric of calling people “storm trumpers” but the kind of vile rant spewed by Reina kicked out only destroys a sense of unity from a large demographic within the conservative movement. Think about it- by lashing out against Mormons you alienate a large demographic voting block in the following states: Utah, Idaho, Colorado (if the mormons don’t show up in mass Colorado goes from purple will to solid blue and believe me the Mormons here in CO are having a hard time getting pass the vile vulgarian part) Arizona, Wyoming, Montana. If Trump manages to make it close in CA and yet the maenads of Trump manage to piss off the Mormons he will still lose CA. A CA win is a long shot yes but it goes from long shot to no chance in hell with pissed off Mormons; just like Colorado shifts to “no chance in hell” without the Mormon vote.

    For the love of a Hillary lose take it easy and stop trying to tear the heads off any who are not true personality cult believer in the Trump but who will vote for him because they don’t want a Hillary as POTUS. After the convention where do you think Lee & Cruz will go? They will make speeches along the lines of Hillary must be defeated and the only way that can happen is to vote Trump. And that is what you want- right?

    Calm down and save the lashings for Hillary and her personality cult followers.

  19. Tim,
    I can appreciate that thinking and that spin (not using “spin” it in a derogatory manner), but I think if this Brer’ Rabbit advice came from a Trump supporter it’d be a three-level chess move.
    I don’t think so.

  20. Pelopidas-
    Thumbs up.
    I think Mormonism, if what I’m reading about the religion is accurate, is oddball.
    But it’s not at all productive to go after Lee because of it..
    I made that mistake 5 years ago with Romney.

    I cannot blame Lee’s praise of a leftist on Mormonism.

    I think where the blame lies is that he hadn’t sufficiently safeguarded himself against a form of Stockholm Syndrome.

    Sounds to me like they have a rip-roaring time when the right is compromising to the left. And let’s face it – the country is listing leftward.
    Who is to blame if not our representatives?

    So, forgive me when I am outraged when I read crap like this coming from the people we are looking to to keep this country from lurching into the leftist abyss.

  21. First and Foremost,Lee, Lee is a nice guy and perhaps a bit too trusting. He is not heaping praise on her but rather saying why dems might like her and he may like her as a person not her politics but recognizes her strong points. IF you are going to jump on things he said that can be taken out of context or partial quotes, then I guess I have to bring up the 15,000 dumb things trump has said or done that y’all seem to just ignore or say that is trump being trump (ole joe being joe). So he did lift or someone on his staff lifted the image of shillary in front of dollar bills and a Star Of David, from a alt right web site and he did say that judge was Mexican and he did say….

  22. DP, read what Fur wrote above about what Lee saw in Warren.

    I’m trying to understand why if Lee doesn’t agree with Warren’s politics nor Trump’s, why he finds Warren more personable and likable than Trump. [she’s trashed talked a lot of R’s and Conservatives, and has done some name calling on twitter and what not] And says it to huffpo. Bad move, because the only person that looks good in this entire thing is Liz Warren.

    And let me remind you. I was for Cruz. And before Cruz, I wanted Mike Lee to run instead. So I’m not just saying this just to talk shit.

  23. Mike Lee on Elizabeth Warren
    “She’s captivating. She is really smart.”

    I don’t want to debate this.
    This has nothing to do with Trump.

    If you want to inject Trump, fine.
    Trump is our only candidate in the way of Hillary.
    Lee IS heaping praise on Warren, and she may very well be the running mate against Trump and you choose to prop up Lee by pointing out “stupid things” said by Trump.

    What side are you on, anyway?

    I’m done arguing this.
    Lee typifies what is wrong with the right.

    I find nothing at all good to say about leftists, even obliquely.
    I want to vomit when I see them.

    But that’s me.
    Lee channel surfs and stops and is captivated.

  24. Lee is just following Mitt Romney’s lead where Trump is concerned. They are both Mormons, and they are offended by many of the things that Trump has said during this crazy political race. I know how they feel, but I’m not voting for Clinton, and neither are most of the Mormons that I know. Mormons are mostly very conservative, patriotic citizens, and it is sheer madness to continue insulting them for any reason. Trump is going to need every vote he can get to overcome Clinton’s electoral vote advantage. Lee doesn’t have to endorse Trump, but Trump supporters shouldn’t be alienating Mormon voters during this election season for any reason.

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