Sen. Orrin Hatch dies at 88 – IOTW Report

Sen. Orrin Hatch dies at 88

Former Sen. Orrin Hatch, the Utah Republican who served 42 years in Congress, has died at the age of 88, his foundation announced Saturday.

Hatch, the ex-president pro tempore of the Senate and the longest serving senator in Utah’s history, passed away at 5:30 p.m. local time Saturday surrounded by family in Salt Lake City. The foundation declined to provide a cause of death. more @ WaEX

16 Comments on Sen. Orrin Hatch dies at 88

  1. Orrin started out great but stayed in Washington DC about 30 years too long. That being said, even after 42 years in the senate, he was more conservative than his replacement, Pierre Delecto!

  2. Another corrupt Rhino Traitor gone to meet his maker. Say hi to Ted Kennedy, McCain, and the rest of your communist death democrat butt buddies when you reach your final destination in Hell Hatch. You spent 42 years betraying you Country.

  3. “… served 42 years in Congress …”
    Don’t make me fukkin puke.
    Served what? Served who? Served himself?
    Served Satan, more likely than not.


    Another maggot escapes justice.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I can never think of Orrin Hatch without remembering his close friendship with Teddy Kennedy, and that he sponsored the Dream Act before he wised up to what was really happening to our country because of Kennedy’s 1965 Immigration Act. He got elected to the U.S. Senate by defeating Frank Moss, a three term Senator by promising to only serve two terms, but he always got re-elected with substantial majorities. Hatch was a big Jeb Bush supporter and barely gave President Trump any support until his Utah constituents forced him to do so.

  5. Ask the families of all the dead teenagers that drank those liquid crack sports drinks in HS and dropped dead. Those companies paid Hatch millions as to not have any regulations on the drinks


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