Sen. Paul has new plan to remove Fauci as top US infection scientist, eliminate his NIAID post – IOTW Report

Sen. Paul has new plan to remove Fauci as top US infection scientist, eliminate his NIAID post

Just The News:
GOP Sen. Rand Paul on Monday proposed a measure to end Dr. Anthony Fauci reign as the country’s top infectious disease expert – eliminate his position as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and divide the power of that post across three new and separate national research institutes.

Paul, a physician from Kentucky, is among the most outspoken critics of Fauci’s COVID-19 policies, particularly those on masks, vaccines and lockdowns. 

“We’ve learned a lot over the past two years, but one lesson in particular is that no one person should be deemed ‘dictator-in-chief.’ ” Paul said in announcing his amendment. “No one person should have unilateral authority to make decisions for millions of Americans.” more

13 Comments on Sen. Paul has new plan to remove Fauci as top US infection scientist, eliminate his NIAID post

  1. Doesn’t Sen. Paul have a like real job? You know, like do senator work?
    If Kentuckians like him so much, why don’t they ask him to do more for their state. Maybe they can get him to do some real work.

  2. Joe Biden is using the Russia-Ukraine war to hide the fact that Fauci and 16 collaborators has charges being drawn against him in the Interntional Criminal Court for violations of the Nuremberg code, genocide, and crimes against humanity. For all of Robert F Kennedy Jr’s self-congratulating in his book against the Fauci Mengele fiend, nothing was done about Fauci’s murders of numerous black and hispanic orphans who he subjected to unapproved and sadistic testing and experiments, resulting in their deaths. All poor unsuspecting children are buried in Westchester, NY at the direction of Fauci and co-conspirators.

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