Sen. Rand Paul Awarded Over $580,000 in Damages Against Neighbor for Attack – IOTW Report

Sen. Rand Paul Awarded Over $580,000 in Damages Against Neighbor for Attack

Breitbart: Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Wednesday was awarded over $580,000 in damages in his lawsuit against his neighbor, Rene Boucher, who attacked him while doing yard work at his Bowling Green, K.Y., residence in 2017.

A jury awarded the senator $375,000 in punitive damages and an addition $200,000 for pain and suffering. Boucher must also fork over $7,834 to cover Paul’s medical expenses.  more here

13 Comments on Sen. Rand Paul Awarded Over $580,000 in Damages Against Neighbor for Attack

  1. Good. I’m sure he doesn’t need it, but that’s not the point. He can’t let this pass without consequences. Far too long, we have waited for justice to be served on all the criminals in office, only to be denied.

    This feels like winning. Thanks, Senator Paul!


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