Sen. Rand Paul: Do FBI agents Strzok and Page still have security clearances? The answer should alarm you – IOTW Report

Sen. Rand Paul: Do FBI agents Strzok and Page still have security clearances? The answer should alarm you

FOX:  [Sen. Rand Paul] Back in January, I wrote to FBI Director Christopher Wray, asking him about the status of Peter Strzok and Lisa Page’s security clearances and access to secret databases filled with information on American citizens.

You will recall, of course, that Strzok and Page were the agents who had extensive discussions in their jobs as FBI agents about their political vendetta against President Trump and that the FBI not go too hard against Hillary Clinton.  The pair exchanged more than 50,000 text messages, offering a glimpse into the personal political agenda of agents who were supposed to be unbiased investigators and agents.

I’m concerned by many things about this situation.  First, that such information is regularly available to police agencies without judicial oversight.  Our Constitution requires warrants and judicial oversight over police power, precisely to avoid abuses and protect the rights of all citizens.

But that’s not what happens today under the practices at the FBI and DOJ, and this should be alarming to all Americans.  Whether you agree with President Trump or not, if they can pursue an agenda and unconstitutionally go after the President of the United States, imagine what they could do with this power against any American.  read more

8 Comments on Sen. Rand Paul: Do FBI agents Strzok and Page still have security clearances? The answer should alarm you

  1. I would be going bonkers about now
    but Dan Bongino figures they still
    have their jobs because they are
    talking up a storm to the investigators. Sure hope he’s right.

  2. John, that’s what Sundance at Conservative Tree House was saying…

    “Director Chris Wray knows the key to capturing the fish is to keep them within the distance of the casting net. Keeping the “small group” participants within government, yet under full control, is a part of the strategy.”

    I’m hoping he’s right.


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