Sen. Rand Paul: Obama probably did know about alleged Biden corruption – IOTW Report

Sen. Rand Paul: Obama probably did know about alleged Biden corruption

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) told One America’s John Hines that an investigation into allegations of corruption against Hunter Biden’s business activities in China and Ukraine is necessary. He has said President Obama was probably aware of these allegations at the time they first arose.

11 Comments on Sen. Rand Paul: Obama probably did know about alleged Biden corruption

  1. Okay, so we have several moving objects going on here with ONE common thread:

    RussiaGate -O
    SpyGate -B
    UkraineGate -A
    FlynnGate -M
    ImpeachmentGate -A!!!



  2. Gee…do ya think obozo knew every last detail of all the illegal activities under his watch? And i like rand paul for the most part. The one im liking is sidney powell she knows the law and has a helluva bs meter! And guts to say on national tv that obozo ABSOLUTELY knew about everything. This is starting to get good.

  3. Barky most likely DID know about Joey’s boy’s activities in Ukraine and China, but given what we know about Barky’s honesty, ethics, and character, he may not have agreed that what Nookie Hunter was doing was corrupt.

    To come to that conclusion, I had to chop logic, mince words, and bash common sense with a bigger hammer.

  4. Trust me, if Hillary can use the Øbamboozler as a shield she will. Between Bill and Hillary there is no love lost there with the Kenyan Kremepuff!
    “I think that they played the race card on me. We now know, from memos from the campaign, that they planned to do it all along.”
    And Bill on Jan. 7, 2008: “Give me a break. This whole thing is the biggest fairy tale I’ve ever seen.”

  5. Only if he’s blind, deaf, and dumb.
    Obola gave Biden the portfolios!

    Ukraine and China!
    Has Biden any special attributes? Does he speak Mandarin or Ukraine?
    Sorry, Senator.
    The odor of bullshit is overpowering.

    izlamo delenda est …


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