Sen. Rand Paul Offers Amendment to Reveal Obama’s Role in Probing Trump Campaign – IOTW Report

Sen. Rand Paul Offers Amendment to Reveal Obama’s Role in Probing Trump Campaign

Epoch Times: Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) offered an amendment on March 28, which, if approved, would reveal what role former President Barack Obama played in the investigation of the Trump campaign and the use of the debunked Steele dossier.

Paul’s amendment would modify a resolution, which calls on the attorney general to release the full report by special counsel Robert Mueller to Congress and the public. The resolution passed the House by a vote of 420-0 on March 14 and is now before the Senate.

“What we need to discover, and we do not yet know, was President Obama involved? Was this done for partisan purposes? Was this done to try to elect Hillary Clinton?” Paul asked on the Senate floor.

According to a summary of Mueller’s final report released by Attorney General William Barr, the special counsel did not find any evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Mueller’s finding raises questions about the origins of the investigation of the Trump campaign and suggests that the probe was started without evidence of wrongdoing.

According to Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the House Intelligence Committee has enough evidence to establish that the investigation of the Trump campaign began much earlier than late July 2016. If Nunes is right, the bureau will be forced to produce what evidence, if any, it acted on to start the investigation.

Notably, the FBI’s current rationale for starting the investigation of the Trump campaign in late July 2016 is already questionable. According to the current narrative, the probe started on evidence that Trump-campaign associate George Papadopoulos told an Australian diplomat that Russians had dirt on Hillary Clinton. There is no proof Papadopoulos ever had contact with Russian officials. Papadopoulos was convicted of lying to the FBI about contacts with Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese professor with extensive ties to Western intelligence, not Russia. In his new book, Papadopoulos claims he was caught in the crosshairs of a Western intelligence operation to take down Trump.  read more

17 Comments on Sen. Rand Paul Offers Amendment to Reveal Obama’s Role in Probing Trump Campaign

  1. The whole “Russian Collusion” thing was a set up right from the start, for one thing because nobody heard anything about it until 24 hours after that sick, old Bitch Hillary lost the election! We knew it was complete bullshit because we also knew that Manchurian Doorknob the Øbamboozler had been SPYING on the Trump campaign. You know as well as I do that if there was anything to it they would have used it as an October Surprise! The point is it was known that the spying had been going on. So yes, by all means, let the sunlight shine on this crooked, Marxist Muzlim Mallard disguised as a Black man!

  2. “Papadopoulos was convicted of lying to the FBI about contacts with Joseph Mifsud…”

    Hey Rand, can you subpoena Mifsud to testify? What is the deal with this guy? I can’t unnotice his absence. He’s like a sweatball hanging off the end of Mueller’s nose. Does this not bother you, too?

  3. @Anonymous White Male – don’t you mean that is what you find when doing a probe or maybe a DILDO in the Choomers case?

    THIS is where RP shines and he fails when protecting OUR border!

  4. Yeah ok Rand, this has as much chance of making it into the bill as does HRC being frog marched before the court. Zero.
    Any whiff of complicity by Barry and his cohorts shall never be mentioned inside the Washington corridors.

  5. “What we need to discover, and we do not yet know, was President Obama involved? Was this done for partisan purposes? Was this done to try to elect Hillary Clinton?” Paul asked on the Senate floor.”

    You “do not yet” know? WE “do not yet” know?
    “Partisan” purposes?
    “… to elect Hillary Clinton?”

    Are you shittin me? Or are these what’re known as “rhetorical” questions?
    It was obvious from the beginning.
    It is still obvious.
    It will be forever obvious – and a stain on our Republic.

    Traitors and Fifth Columnists need to be excised – just as Cancer needs to be excised – there are some things that we just can’t live with.

    If the Republic is to survive, it needs a strong purgative.
    The political equivalent of the lemony-tasting stuff you drink before a colonoscopy.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. What’s Rand trying to do, entice the Republicans to vote for this stupid bill too? Both Donald Trump and the AG have already said they would release the report. This bill is just the Dems trying to get in front of the release so they can claim they forced the President to release it.

  7. A resolution is as useless as saying “the check is in the mail”.

    It does give the “appearance” of Congress doing something, but nothing is ever done.

    Welcome to the establishment representative government that does not represent the majority of Americans.

  8. Rand Paul is just another Trey Gowdy. He is all mouth until it comes to an important fight = the border wall.

    He voted YES to deny President Trump his National Emergency in order to finish building the wall.

  9. So, is he saying we need a congressional amendment in order to find out who the bad guys are? Give me a frickin break! Release it all and let the cards fall where they may.


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