Sen. Rand Paul Proposes Moving SOTU to Senate, Bypassing Pelosi – IOTW Report

Sen. Rand Paul Proposes Moving SOTU to Senate, Bypassing Pelosi

DB: Republican Senator Rand Paul (KY) is suggesting moving the President’s State of the Union Address from the House of Representatives to the Senate.

The Senator tweeted yesterday, “Senator McConnell is in charge of the Senate. If Mrs. Pelosi refuses to allow the president to deliver the State of the Union in the House, I propose we move it to the Senate and make it happen!”  MORE


22 Comments on Sen. Rand Paul Proposes Moving SOTU to Senate, Bypassing Pelosi

  1. Would be a pretty good move. I’d also recommend that Trump just give the SOTU as a televised speech from the Oval Office and side-step the whole Congressional mess. “We don’t need no steeenking Congressional Chamber!!” That would frost quite a few libtards!!! ;^)

  2. Excellent!

    …and Democrats aren’t invited, it might not be a “safe space”…for THEM…

    …does the Senate have TWO doors? Nancy’s having bad dreams about an Orange Man again…

  3. Yes, do it in the Senate, reserve a seat for Pelosi, and put a helmet and flak jacket on it.

    And reserve a seat for RBG with a sign, “Pardon out dust while we renovate”

  4. Take a page from Clint Eastwood’s empty chair speech. I don’t care where President Trump gives the speech from but there needs to be a camera panning across the “audience” in the house chamber. When he gets to specifics they just need to pan to the placarded empty desk of the Dem who would otherwise be there.

  5. …since they’re so fond of foreign replacement workers, put an obviously Mexican person in every vacant Democrat chair…can’t be any worse than what we’ve got NOW…

  6. …I would be happier if it was just President Trump in the Oval Office, and he opens with:

    “Today I have declared a State of Emergency. I have ordered all borders closed and all fights cancelled, and have directed the military to arrest all Democrats due to the numerous treasons against our Nation that we have exposed despite their obstruction. Military tribunals will be convened for the lesser crimes, but gallows have been constructed and summary judgment will be immediately executed on the following:…”

    THAT would be the way to do it…

  7. I still say he should give the SOTU at a rally…in Gillette Stadium. With empty chairs for the Dems since they won’t dare show their faces in such an environment. Likely for the reasons Super outlines above.

  8. Does anyone remember Hillary saying they will return to being civil when they retake the House?

    They retook it, apparently this is their way of returning to what they consider civility.

  9. I’m all for hosting the speech in a large venue.

    Keep a camera rolling on all the empty seats the Democrats were invited to sit in; you know they won’t show up. LOL

  10. Today a retired army officer called into Chris Plante Show. He said that Trump blew it with the denial of USAF aircraft for the junket.

    He shouldn’t have played that card until they landed in Afghanistan.

    Caller had me going until the punchline. 😂

  11. They can’t change plans…..Sheila Jackson Lee has been camped out on the aisle of the house floor for 3 weeks so she could get her picture taken with the president! #standwithsheila

  12. Jimbo and RickyG have this figured out. Oval Office, or a Trump Rally are the proper venues. Both deny the ‘fetid opposition’ to be included in the broadcast.

    If Trump does the delivery in the House, the cameras will make sure they concentrate on all the stink eye the democrats will be showcasing.

    If he chooses either venue our folks above suggested, the democrats lose, the media loses, the country isn’t misdirected by folks who don’t desire good things for our country, but instead want to stop anything this man who is not Hillary from accomplishing.

  13. Hell, half the democrats were not going to attend anyway and the other half were just going to boo and sit on their hands so give the speech in a yuge stadium filled with Americans.


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