Sen. Rand Paul Says He May Join Rep. Brooks To FILE AN OBJECTION to Electoral Votes During Joint session of Congress on Jan. 6, 2021 – IOTW Report

Sen. Rand Paul Says He May Join Rep. Brooks To FILE AN OBJECTION to Electoral Votes During Joint session of Congress on Jan. 6, 2021

We are counting on it.

Geller Report: The more smug, dismissive, mocking the Democrat criminal syndicate pretends to be, the more terrified they they are we’ll have our day in Congress. They just need to steamroll over us — not this time.

There are a lot of us. There are also opportunists, posers, fakers, liars and phonies — and so we have to get through those quislings It is a HUGE undertaking, labor intensive – we need an army and we had obstacles – so many – even th lawyers representing us bolted (because of threats to life, limb, family, practice). This is a years long project and we are attempting it in weeks And the clock is ticking … so everything is at rush speed (hence the lawsuits with typos and errors).

We have no law enforcement on this – its all the work of individuals.

But these conditions are almost biblical — and the individual, once again, will herald in one of the great moments in history. more here

13 Comments on Sen. Rand Paul Says He May Join Rep. Brooks To FILE AN OBJECTION to Electoral Votes During Joint session of Congress on Jan. 6, 2021

  1. They asked Ken Scott if he would join Brooks last night on Newsmax. That bastard stuttered and stammered through the entire interview and never did answer the question. I don’t have much faith this would work

  2. First was the softball game attack, then the dry-gulch beatdown from his psycho leftist neighbor, then the near-death experience at the hands of a raging leftist mob in DC. It’s almost as if Satan has a special fear and hatred of this man and has been trying to take him out, because he knew this moment was coming.

    Do the right thing, Senator. Your life has brought you to this moment.

  3. This would be the best possible way to correct the steal (SCOTUS is MIA/AWOL)…let Congress (the people’s reps) pick the winner. This would be a great democratic precedent.

  4. Sorry that I’m a realist, but I once saw a biblical quote modified by General Hooker (Union Army) that is my rule of thumb for every politician I encounter (and Trump is NOT a politician, which is why he’s held in the esteem that I hold for him): “Place not your trust in kings and princes–three of a kind will take them both.”

  5. If you have Republican Senators and/or Republican representative e-mail and call them and inform them if they don’t contest then they can forget ever getting your support along with it’s proof they’re all for stealing elections or they would represent you, your state and the country.

  6. The democrats did this 11 times 4 years ago, don’t think for a second it’s unprecedented or unwarranted. The republican party better think long and hard about their continued existence.


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