Sen. Richard Shelby: Democrats ‘Did Not Lay a Glove’ on Jeff Sessions – IOTW Report

Sen. Richard Shelby: Democrats ‘Did Not Lay a Glove’ on Jeff Sessions


[…] “I believe he’s going to be confirmed, but some Democrats were grilling him too much–being not real nice to him,” he said.

“But, they are playing raw liberal politics,” he said. “I understand what they’re doing. They’ve got all these people they’re bringing in-these are Democratic constituents to work the hard left against a good nominee.”

“But, they didn’t lay a glove on him,” Shelby said.

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10 Comments on Sen. Richard Shelby: Democrats ‘Did Not Lay a Glove’ on Jeff Sessions

  1. ” Senate Democrats breach the comity that governs personal relationships in the Senate”.

    DEMONcrats will strip naked, and abandon EVERYTHING , (integrity, family, ethics, civility, truth, sensibilities, descency, humanity, and etc.) everything except money, to honor their bargain with the evil to which they sold their souls.

  2. What really got my goat yesterday was watching D/Rat Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey condemn fellow Senator Jeff Sessions. A first
    in the history of the Republic, I believe.
    While, by all accounts among Americans, Jeff Sessions is a decent and honorable man, while, in my opinion, Cory Booker is a fake, a phony, and a fraud, to quote the great Bob Grant.
    For years Booker, while mayor of Newark, told a story in dramatic fashion of his “friend” T-Bone. T-Bone was a junkie who roamed the streets of Newark. Booker befriended T-Bone, the story goes. At first T-Bone tried to kill Booker, but ended up crying on his shoulder. It was a great story. Booker got a lot of mileage out of it, not to mention votes, and money.
    Trouble is there is no T-Bone, there never was. Booker was eventually called on it and apologized; promising that he would never again tell a lie. The SNAPers and Dindu Nuffins forgave him and voted him back as mayor and eventually Senator.
    On his show yesterday, Rush opined that the demorats were grooming Booker to be the second coming of Obama. After all he is good looking, articulate, smart, and does not have a Negro accent, unless he wants to. Now where have we heard that before?

  3. If you really want to get an up-to-date understanding of what the gov’t has been working on and their views of policy under the obama administration, these confirmation hearings have been enlightening. Just how dire our dire straits are/were is there for all to see; all the insanity (no, really, insanity) is on macabre display. Someone yesterday described Senator Sessions’ response to many of these interviewers as a kindergarten teacher talking to a class full of ADHD children. It was a most apt description. And now I’m listening to Fauxcahontas Warren as she attempts to sound memorable before the C-SPAN cameras. I’m seriously wondering which genius thought she would be a value add on the General Mattis confirmation hearing.

  4. @Moe Tom — He is a fraud. It’s a damn shameful thing he did. And, yes, he is a ham (sandwich) actor trying to model his Dear Leader. I hope the New Republican party under Trump targets his senate seat. When ICE is doing its job, when all the domestic security agencies are up and humming at full speed and we see the drug trade dry up, and when there’s no excuse for not having a living wage job, those who vote for people like Booker in order to keep the freebies coming will drop off in number and these race-hustling phonies will be obvious.

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