Sen. Sanders Dodges When Asked If Menendez Should Resign [VIDEO] – IOTW Report

Sen. Sanders Dodges When Asked If Menendez Should Resign [VIDEO]

Daily Caller: Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders said Sunday that it is “premature” to decide whether or not Democratic Senator Bob Menendez should resign if convicted on corruption charges.

CNN’s Jake Tapper cited a poll indicating that 84 percent of New Jersey residents hope to see Menendez resign if he is convicted, and asked Sanders where he came down on the issue.

Sanders declined to say whether or not Menendez should resign and told Tapper the discussion was “premature.”  MORE


8 Comments on Sen. Sanders Dodges When Asked If Menendez Should Resign [VIDEO]

  1. if the Gov of N.J. was a Democrat the mantra would be “he has to go” but because their party will be down yet another seat they need to keep him.

    A party Jonesing for such a power fix like this should be shunned by polite society. But there is the rub- we are talking about “Democrats” so polite has nothing to do with it.

  2. For democrats

    Let’s not jump to conclusions!
    Wait until the investigation is over.
    No rush to judgement.

    For Republicans

    Resign resign resign!
    Prosecute prosecute prosecute!

  3. What am I missing here? The question is ‘if he is convicted should he resign.’ How can the answer be it is premature? The question ASSUMES guilt. There is one answer regardless of party affiliation. The fact that that answer was not given speaks volumes about our alleged leaders .

  4. It’s not like Menendez was guilty of breaching National Security, influence peddling contracts out of the Department of State and receiving $100s of Millions of dollars to the Menendez Foundation.

    Oh, Never Mind, that was Hillary, Not Guilty.

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