Sen. Tom Cotton Speaks on Russia’s Strategy in Syria and Proposals for How the U.S. Should Respond – IOTW Report

Sen. Tom Cotton Speaks on Russia’s Strategy in Syria and Proposals for How the U.S. Should Respond

tom cotton

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8 Comments on Sen. Tom Cotton Speaks on Russia’s Strategy in Syria and Proposals for How the U.S. Should Respond

  1. And I bet exactly the opposite will happen.

    Obama is getting sand kicked in his face on a daily basis, it seems.

    Obama is a punk and he’s getting punked by Putin accordingly.

  2. The problem with this [I forgot to add] is that Obama will undoubtedly react to Putin in some sort of emotional way that make things severely worse for the interests and security of America and the world at large.

    Gee, I can hardly wait to see how he fucks this one up.

  3. I’m sorry but he’s off base here. We need to get past automatically doing the opposite of what Russia does. They have as much to loose against islime as we do.

    We quiet simply backed the wrong side in Libya and Syria, thus not only insuring, but subsidizing the rise of ISIS.

    Putin isn’t a nice guy, neither is Assad, so what? Assad always protected the Christian minority, kept the jihadists in check and hasn’t attacked Israel in quiet a while. Ditto for Qaddafi.

    The current regime in DC, Obozo and the McCainian neocons seem hell bent to promote jihad in the middle east. He’s an America hating muslime, but damned if I can figure out the GOP. If we’d backed Assad; our Desert Storm allie, we might have gotten him to hold Iran in closer check. Now we have the Sov. . .I mean Russian air force in place to protect Iran from Israel.

    Obozo is complete BS but so is this speech by Cotton, very, very disappointing.

  4. “We quiet simply backed the wrong side in Libya and Syria, thus not only insuring, but subsidizing the rise of ISIS.”

    I think America, under Barack Obama, through the State Department [Hillary Klinton], and by the means of our tax money, totally intended to fund ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood. Chris Stevens and all the other people killed in the Benghazi attack were deliberately sacrificed to cover the evidence of the weapons trafficking.

    The proof is in the pudding.

  5. I don’t get it. In the first half Cotton lays out the unequivocal case that Obama is an employee of Putin’s. Then in the second half he advocates measures that could only take place if the president of the United States were not an employee of Putin’s.

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