Sen. William Timmons, The Republican Poised To Take Over Gowdy’s Seat In South Carolina – IOTW Report

Sen. William Timmons, The Republican Poised To Take Over Gowdy’s Seat In South Carolina

DC: As the outspoken South Carolina Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy prepares for retirement, a younger but similar version of the congressman is seeking his seat in the relatively GOP-safe district in November.

South Carolina state Sen. William Timmons, 34, won the Republican primary runoff for the state’s 4th District, which includes portions of Greenville and Spartanburg counties, on June 28 with 54.3 percent of the vote, defeating state Republican Sen. Lee Bright.

While he hasn’t won the House seat yet, South Carolina’s 4th District is considered a safe Republican district in a red state: Gowdy has held the seat since 2010 and six of the seven districts in the state are currently held by Republicans. The current governor, Henry McMaster, and both senators, Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham, are also Republicans.

The district also sided with President Donald Trump in the 2016 election by a margin of 25.6 points, and Trump won the state by nearly 55 percent of the vote.

Timmons says Gowdy has been a mentor to him over the years, and he even went door to door on his campaign in 2010, Timmons told The Daily Caller News Foundation.  more here

SNIP: Did  Gowdy mentor him on his hair style? 😉
South Carolina, give us a hint- What’s this guy like?

6 Comments on Sen. William Timmons, The Republican Poised To Take Over Gowdy’s Seat In South Carolina

  1. Well, I was all in to relocate from the Commonwealth of Virginia to South Carolina, but I recently discovered that SC prohibits the individual ownership of class II weapons which makes me take pause……
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. ” … Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy prepares for retirement, a younger but similar version of the congressman is seeking his seat … “

    sooo … another ‘all hat & no cattle’ representative …. greaaaaaaaat

    otoh … I’d move to South Cakalakie in a heartbeat, if it wasn’t for She Who Must Be Obeyed

  3. SC weighing in: McCain mentored Lindsey Graham, Graham no doubt had a hand in Gowdy’s grooming for the DC swamp. Gowdy mentored Timmons for years. So the answer is “yes”, I’m seeing a pattern here. A pattern of Graham’s famous go along to get along crap undoubtedly learned from McCain. Oh, I see Timmy Scott got a mention as well. Good old Timmy, took $67K from lobbyists to fast-track the vote for TPP and help brother Obama. So to sum up, Timmons will like the month of March, in like a lion and then go full-on lamb, or else. As Rush Limbaugh put it “Even when Republicans WIN they act like they lost.”


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