Senate approves uniparty $1T infrastructure plan – IOTW Report

Senate approves uniparty $1T infrastructure plan

Legislation moves to House where it could face a bumpy road to passage.

FOX: The Senate on Tuesday passed a major $1 trillion infrastructure spending bill in a significant show of bipartisan force that marked a big step forward for President Biden‘s domestic agenda. 

The vote was 69-30, with 19 Republicans – including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell – joining all Democrats to approve major investments to the nation’s roads, bridges, railways and more. To mark the achievement, Vice President Kamala Harris came to the Capitol to preside over the Senate and announced the successful vote. 

“Big news, folks,” Biden tweeted immediately after the victory. “The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal has officially passed the Senate. I hope Congress will send it to my desk as soon as possible so we can continue our work of building back better.” more

25 Comments on Senate approves uniparty $1T infrastructure plan

  1. Why does the infrastructure need that much money when we spent $800 Billion 12 years ago?

    I like this guy the more that I see him. I can’t help but think that Lt. Colombo got elected to the Senate.

  2. Never forget these rats. And never forgive them:

    Mitch McConnell, Communist China
    Roy Blunt, Missouri
    Richard Burr, North Carolina
    Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia
    Bill Cassidy, Louisiana
    Susan Collins, Maine
    Kevin Cramer, North Dakota
    Mike Crapo, Idaho
    Deb Fischer, Nebraska
    Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
    Chuck Grassley, Iowa
    John Hoeven, North Dakota
    Lisa Murkowski, Alaska
    Rob Portman, Ohio
    James Risch, Idaho
    Mitt Romney, Utah
    Dan Sullivan, Alaska
    Thom Tillis, North Carolina
    Roger Wicker, Mississippi

  3. “work of building back better.”
    Code: More of your money in our pockets.
    No increase in taxes under $400,000.
    Code: We can bleed you to death through hyperinflation.
    Puts money directly into the hands of their supporters.

    Do you think Bill Gates has spent the $100 BILLION he was awarded?
    Did he have to pay any taxes on that?

  4. Why do we have RINOs that fail us at every turn?

    WHY do RINOs repeatedly FAIL us at every turn?

    Doesn’t the ‘Republican Party’ have the BALLs to eliminate RINOs?

    If the Republicans actually had control over the ‘Republican Party’ wouldn’t RINOs be listed as HISTORY?

    Am I out of line to think the ‘Republican Party’ actually gives-a-shit about their constituents?

    Has the majority of the ‘Republican Party’ been compromised by outside entities?

    Is it really that easy to buy a Republican?????

    The possible answers churn my stomach, piss me off and leaves me taking innovatory of my fire-power.

  5. How do they plan on taxing us by the mile? I will not comply with any tracker on my vehicles. And yes I do own vehicles too old to have computers and will gladly keep those with computers parked.

  6. Sorry for the double post, this thread is more appropriate;

    Somewhat related, for those IOTW’ers that have a GOP senator that voted for the pernicious $1 trillion infrastructure bill, send them an email or better yet a phone call and ask them what conservative principles they utilized as justification for their YES vote. And if anyone gets a reply, please share it on the site. Here is the list;

    I don’t know what’s worse, living in a state (like myself) where you never have GOP representation, or living in one and constantly getting punched in the nose by a rep who is forever looking for his or her balls. I honestly would like their thinking on this matter explained to me.

    Also, to the administrators, some site maintenance would really be appreciated, like getting the “edit” and “delete post” buttons back.

  7. All of my vehicles are over 20 years old… so unless they are checking odometers they won’t get much. I’d hate to have my odometers malfunction because that’s how I know when to do oil, but, you know, needs must.

  8. Old Racist White Woman
    From what I’ve read, it is a trial, So, they can make up the rules as they go now. Could be a way to get their hands on more personal information, through insurance companies. Pull more insurance companies into the swamp.
    Top White House officials emphatically stated for months that paying for the infrastructure investments by indexing gas taxes to inflation or instituting new electric vehicle mileage fees were hard red lines for the president on the grounds that they would raise taxes on people earning less than $400,000 per year.

  9. As I remember Turtle Bitch would not support Trumps infrastructure bill, but he voted for Biden’s. Who’s interests are he looking after. We are in a world of hurt for a while. Who’s paying for this? Loaded question. I am. Seems I should have a say on something my hard earned dollars are paying for. Our Cooperate fiscal ends on Feb 28th. This is the first year I’ve ever had to pay the state more than the Feds. I’m one of those guys that will be stepped on first. Everyone else will be next. Socialism has arrived.

  10. The American people need to stand up for what’s right. 🇺🇸

    No more playing pattycake with these traitorous assholes. 🤨

    They are spending us into oblivion, the founding fathers would be flabbergasted, it would TeaParty 5.0 and long overdue. 😏

  11. “… major investments to the nation’s roads, bridges, railways and more.”
    Shovel ready?
    Doesn’t “investment” imply a return? My guess is that this “investment” will evaporate like the others did.
    Let Buffett “invest” in his own fukkin railways! There is no reason that public funds should be dissipated on railroads – this is pure, unadulterated graft.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. I have emailed and called Collins’ office numerous times. Even sent her links with the Constitutional violations listed.
    She doesn’t care.
    None of these phonies care.
    Collins has done irreparable damage to the GOP in Maine along with the other RINOs in the state who are never willing to rock the boat.
    F ’em all.


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