Senate Blocks Trump from Making August Recess Appointments – IOTW Report

Senate Blocks Trump from Making August Recess Appointments

NTK: Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) scheduled nine “pro-forma” sessions for the Senate during the month of August when the senators are back in their home states.

The move will keep the Senate in session every three business days and thereby prohibit President Trump from being able to make “recess appointments” – an executive privilege some presidents have used to grant appointees easy confirmation.  more

26 Comments on Senate Blocks Trump from Making August Recess Appointments

  1. Even though these Swamp Creatures aren’t up for primary this time around, there are PLENTY of RINO sleazebags ripe for the picking if we can muster a halfway decent candidate. Even if McCain, Murkowski, McConnell, Graham were primaries out this election, there would be a new crop of RINO scum to take their place from the current ranks in the Senate. We need to improve our representation in the Senate, starting with the second-tier scum. Nature will take its course with McCain. As a Christian, I feel like I should withhold any unkind comments. I’ll just say his departure from the Senate will present an opportunity to lead our country in the right direction.

  2. hoping scumfuckingbag Mcains disease is contagious and the rest of them die soon along with him. Satan, its time to call your loyal servants home so start ringing the bell.

  3. Frank, her Father, has been active in Alaskan politics since 1980. He served as Governor. The whole Damn Family is like the Kennedy’s of Alaska. There’s only one person that can beat this bitch next time around. Palin.

  4. McConnell has everything orchestrated to be the obstructionist and thwart any effort by Trump to select his own appointees and agency hires.

    We want the house, we gave you the House.
    We want the Senate, we gave you the Senate.
    We want the Whitehouse, we gave you the Whitehouse.

    Now we who gave you what you needed to lead. You are ignoring your duties, responsibilities, oath of office can’t or won’t lead. has failed. Republican leadership in the House and Senate have failed miserably on “every” issue promised to the electors.

    The GOP are obstructionists and not worthy to be called Representatives of the American people.

  5. Or 100. What the heck was it, a book, essay, story? Something about dragging a 100 policy makers into the streets and shooting them. I don’t know, maybe that would be a good start.

  6. And this wasn’t done during the O’Bozo administration…..why?
    As was said above, traitorous scumbags, one and all, should be hung from the nearest tree or lamppost.
    Scumbag elimination kit; rope, tree or lamppost, scumbag, some assembly required, recyclable.

  7. You know, the Alaskan environment is unique. Not just to mere America, but far, far, far more importantly to the globe. It’s time to shut down the hydrocarbon threat to Alaska, completely, entirely, capped off, shut down, until it can be proven safe to the environment. Just like drug testing with the FDA. After all, winter is coming.

  8. If Sarah Palin wants to regain our respect, she needs to take out this witch.
    Murkowski, Frankiin, McCain, Lindsey Graham, Bill Nelson, and others are examples of why the 17th amendment should be gone.

  9. Obama appointed people even though they WERE in session. He claimed that these every 3 day meetings constituted “being at recess”.
    The article stated that it took more than just one person to approve this, so Muckcowshit carries the pale of water and everyone else pissed in it (oh piss boy, piss boy [history of the world part one for those that didn’t catch the reference]).

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