Senate Comes to Agreement on New Gun Restrictions, UniParty Republicans Support New Measures – IOTW Report

Senate Comes to Agreement on New Gun Restrictions, UniParty Republicans Support New Measures

CTH: Democrats and Republicans in the Senate have announced their agreement for new laws which will restrict gun ownership. The measures include a new federal firearm registry (known colloquially as “enhanced background checks”), and new laws for the federal government to define the standard of mental health that will allow gun ownership (known colloquially as “red flag laws”).

If approved, the structure looks somewhat similar to current discussion.  Continued or new firearm ownership will be permitted if the cross functional DHS/FBI social media and cognitive stability panel (the moderators inside Govt, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, Microsoft) approve the mental outlook of the firearm applicant.

The NSA database containing all privacy information on individuals will likely be accessed by a much larger audience of stakeholders (teachers, employers, social workers, bureaucrats) who will conduct ongoing stability reviews for firearm owners and flag any concerning content. more here

16 Comments on Senate Comes to Agreement on New Gun Restrictions, UniParty Republicans Support New Measures

  1. Traitors.
    Traitors, all. The 2nd is there to enshrine our God-given right to self-defense from tyrants, thieves, corrupt politicians, avaricious Feds, treasonous maggots, alien invaders, rioting ghetto-rats, perverts, and bend-over lickspittles.

    Sadly, same as the Jews in Europe in the early 30s, we’ll wake too late.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. i would only CONSIDER discussing “gun control” AFTER term limits are passed in to LAW…there are already to many laws trying to control VIOLENCE…passing more laws just proves you won’t address the real issue, you don’t know WTF to do…

  3. All 10 are, and have been for years Reagan haters. unexpected? No. Mad? Yes. Leftist Blunt has hated Ronny for decades; going back to his liberal house years.

    Tigers do not change their stripes. Ronny haters do not become conservative!

  4. Constitutional challenge forthwith. Expel all yes votes, regardless of party or body. All are guilty of treason against the constitutional republic in a real sense. Certainly all are violating their oath of office.

    The great reset cannot satisfactorily and safely proceed while the US public is still armed.

  5. Here’s the problem:

    Everyone agrees that guns should not be in the hands of the mentally ill.

    But the definition of “mentally ill” is not the same for everyone.

    For some, the desire to own a gun is seen as a sign of mental illness.

    If you don’t think the definition of “mentally ill” can (and likely will) be officially changed in order to meet this end, please refer to the official definition of “vaccine”.

  6. Well I guess it will be up to the Supremes to shoot the treasonous bill down. Pity that those who support it can’t stand before a firing squad.


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