Senate Committee Reportedly Investigating “Smoking Gun” Email on Joe Biden, Hunter & Burisma – IOTW Report

Senate Committee Reportedly Investigating “Smoking Gun” Email on Joe Biden, Hunter & Burisma

Dan Bongino:

Hunter Biden introduced his father, who was then Vice-President, to a high ranking official at Burisma, a Ukrainian energy firm. This was less than a year before Joe Biden demanded that the President of Ukraine fire a prosecutor that was looking into Burisma.

To explain this properly, we need to dig a bit into the back story.

The Democrats made a politically motivated attempt to impeach Donald Trump over a call he had with the President of Ukraine. Trump had asked the Ukrainian President to look into a corrupt company, Burisma, that had been reportedly paying Joe Biden’s son Hunter $50,000 a month to be on their board even though he had no relevant experience. Obviously, the company wanted Hunter on the board because his father was Vice-President and they thought it would pay off to be tied to someone so influential. Later on, it appeared to do just that as Joe Biden demanded that Ukraine fire a prosecutor that was looking into corruption at Burisma. Of course, the story was supposedly that the prosecutor was himself corrupt and would have never really held Burisma’s feet to the fire.

Joe Biden also noted multiple times that he thought his son did nothing wrong at Burisma, he never talked to him about it and there were no conflicts of interest involved. We now know none of that is true. Not only did Joe Biden talk to his son Hunter about Burisma, Hunter also introduced his father to Burisma’s #3 executive Vadym Pozharskyi. Moreover, the FBI has had this information in hand since the impeachment hearings.

We know this because Hunter Biden’s laptop was abandoned at a Delaware computer repair store. The FBI seized it on Dec 17, 2019. That was the day before Nancy Pelosi held the vote to impeach the President. Someone from the store had contacted the FBI about the laptop, but also made a copy of the drive that he gave to Robert Costello, an attorney for Rudi Giuliani. Giuliani just released the information to the New York Post. Why did the FBI never make this information public? We don’t know for sure. Perhaps the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee will get to the bottom of it. more here

14 Comments on Senate Committee Reportedly Investigating “Smoking Gun” Email on Joe Biden, Hunter & Burisma

  1. Hey, Mitt, you worthless sack of excrement; do you think there is anything worth investigating this time around you idiot?!?

    I should add- I don’t regret voting against Obama in 08 or ’12 I just regret the party gave us McCain & Mitt aka McCain jr.

  2. MJA
    OCTOBER 14, 2020 AT 1:07 PM

    “[If only the DOJ would get interested]”.

    …what is this “DOJ” of which you speak? Is this some TV station or something? I’m not familiar with this work as I haven’t heard they’ve done any…

    …seriously, it SHOULD be the “WDDOJ” for “We Don’t Do Our Jobs”, or the “DILDO” for “Department Is Democrat Liars Doing Obstruction”, because that’s what they REALLY are…

  3. If that guy that owns the computer store had not made a copy and taken it to rudy before he gave it to the fbi, we would never, ever had seen any of this. Guaranteed.

  4. In the latest censoring, twitter is not allowing the story to be shown on twitter, while at the same time allowing a story from medium claiming the emails were photoshopped to be posted on twitter.


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