Senate confirms Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court, cements 6-3 conservative majority – IOTW Report

Senate confirms Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court, cements 6-3 conservative majority

FOX: The Senate voted 52-48 on Monday night to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court in a move that makes the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals judge and Notre Dame law professor the third appointment to the high court by President Trump, solidifying his administration’s legacy even further just a week before Election Day as he seeks a second term. 

The last president to nominate three new justices to the Supreme Court was Ronald Reagan. 

Monday’s vote marked the end of a confirmation process that lasted less than 40 days from when late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died to when her successor, Barrett, was confirmed. During that time Democrats objected loudly to the speed and timing of the confirmation just before an election. Meanwhile, Republicans have touted Barrett’s record as an academic and a judge as impeccable — and her “Well Qualified” rating from the American Bar Association (ABA) whose representatives relayed descriptions of her as “brilliant” and an “intellectual giant.”

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34 Comments on Senate confirms Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court, cements 6-3 conservative majority

  1. Roberts just lost his power over the court, no more playing to the highest bidder or whatever the hell he gets.

    Hopefully Trump will let it be known he knows the skeleton in his closet and force him to resign.

    Still not tired of it!

  3. Who knows what the left is using to blackmail Justice Roberts. Justice Roberts, being compromised, should do his part to serve God and save America by stepping down while President Trump has time to replace him with an uncompromised jurist.

  4. I was THRILLED that Thomas was there to be the one to give her the Oath.

    He was SOOO serious! (

    Stick it libs and leftists!!!!!

    Woooooohooooo that was freaking awesome to watch live.

    (And her old boss Scalia was looking down…)

  5. i read the comments during the confirmation vote. By the comments made, you’d think only liberals should be appointed. The fools have no clue nor want one. Only the crushing of Christianity and Christian morals will suffice and that means no moral person should ever sit in another justice seat according to the left. God has another opinion, thankfully. We live in a Republic and live by laws not by whims or wishes. Thank God for Trump, ACB and a conservative court. Retire now Roberts before you embarrass yourself any further.

  6. @WJC – Saaaaaaaaaaweeeeeeeet JUSTICE!!!

    @Charlie WalksonWater – I would like to think the oldest on the SCOTUS said EFF YOU to the Chief Justice, that might normally do it.

    How is that for some seniority??

    Where is Anita Hill tonight? Weeping in her pubic hair rimmed wine glass, whining away?


    Eff off Joe! THAT is if ya remember, what a self serving scumbag you were and…still are.

    There are at most 5 conservatives! Roberts was nominated because he had been a life long liberal. I know I did the work 15 years ago. Roberts has remained a lefty! IF FDR was conservative then John is.
    The only year in his life John was not a hyper lib was 2018; that clearly was an aberration.

  8. Don’t put your faith in men (and/or women).
    “Judges” have a tendency to “grow” in office (that is: become more totalitarian).
    Once you base a decision on a “precedent” you have abandoned “justice.”
    If you base a decision on some European legalism you have abandoned the Constitution.

    Only time will tell – but lawyers are notorious maggots – trained in maggotry, dissimulation, prevarication, and mendacity. When they succumb to the plaudits of the likes of the NY Times they have forfeited their souls.
    (and if this strikes anyone as somewhat negative, look at the Supreme’s history)

    izlamo delenda est …


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