Senate Democrats tee up vote to codify abortion law with long-shot odds of getting 60 votes to pass – IOTW Report

Senate Democrats tee up vote to codify abortion law with long-shot odds of getting 60 votes to pass


Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced a plan Thursday to force a vote on legislation that would codify Roe v. Wade – following the release earlier this week of a leaked Supreme Court draft opinion indicating justices may soon overturn the high-court’s decades-old abortion-related ruling.

The legislation will almost certainly not pass in the vote set for next week because it needs 60 “yeahs” to advance, considering only 50 of the upper chamber’s 100 members are Democrats. 

However, Democrats, who have a 51-member majority when including Vice President Kamala Harris, can force a vote that will put Republicans on record about their opposition to the longstanding precedent on abortion rights resulting from the high court’s 1973 ruling. 

“Next week the U.S. Senate is going to vote on legislation to codify a woman’s right to seek abortion into federal law,” Schumer said Thursday on the Senate floor.

The New York Democrat intends to set up the bill Monday with an aim for an initial vote on Wednesday. read more

14 Comments on Senate Democrats tee up vote to codify abortion law with long-shot odds of getting 60 votes to pass

  1. The Magic Halfrican had a 60 Demonrat Senate and could xtill not “codify” the genocide of babies. Chuck is doing what Chuck always does, he is posturturing for political points.

    Fuck Chuck and every Demonrat baby killer. The entire Demonrat party is satanic to its core.

  2. I would ALMOST bet 51 votes, with MINO (Mormon In Name Only) Mittens (Romney) casting his vote with the DildoCrats.
    But I’m not sure that even MINO Mittens would defy the majority Mormons in Utah with a pro-abortion vote.

  3. upChuck is a great argument FOR post-birth abortions.

  4. So the Court rules that abortion is not within the scope of Federal governmental powers, and Schumer wants to force a vote on it? What cereal box did this genius get his law degree from?

  5. Is this just more kabuki theater? If SCOTUS knocks down RvW doesn’t that de-facto mean they recognize abortion as a 10th amendment issue? If so NO federal law can be held Constitutional. Am I wrong?

  6. The minions of Baal will have their way, no after what…babies must die or the ancient death gods will be upset with them. Congress is the temple of baal.


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