Senate GOP report: COVID leaked from Wuhan lab where US funded gain-of-function research – IOTW Report

Senate GOP report: COVID leaked from Wuhan lab where US funded gain-of-function research

JTN: Kansas Republican Sen. Roger Marshall is warning that a new virus could break out of China and cause another worldwide pandemic as he releases “Muddy Waters,” a comprehensive new report on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The ranking member of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee and staff reviewed more than 50,000 documents for the report, which found that the COVID-19 virus was created in a lab and the outbreak was likely the result of two unintentional lab leaks.

“This report concludes most likely this was two leaks,” Marshall said during a briefing with reporters ahead of the release of the report. “The possibility of a lab leak in the September-October [2019] time frame, even as early as July or August, was followed by vaccine development in November 2019. And then another lab leak seems to be the most sensible explanation in this retrospective review.”

The report determined that the U.S. government was funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. 

“I think we’re in no better shape today than we were a year ago, three years ago, as far as I’m concerned,” Marshall said in response to a question from Just the News.

“There’s nothing proving to me that they’re doing this type of research in BSL-4 labs,” he continued. “Their own documents continue to show that they’re understaffed, that they don’t have the right facilities to do it in, a huge concern. That’s why we’ve been calling for a halt in all viral gain-of-function research until we get the guardrails around it.” MORE

14 Comments on Senate GOP report: COVID leaked from Wuhan lab where US funded gain-of-function research

  1. The ranking member of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee and staff reviewed more than 50,000 documents for the report, which found that the COVID-19 virus was created in a lab and the outbreak was likely the result of two unintentional…

    You lost me right there. It is far more likely than not that there was absolutely noting whatsoever that wasn’t intentional about any aspect of the implementation or “response to” the Covid scam. In fact the likelihood shrinks to insignificance.

  2. A ‘leak’ like when biden tinkles in his Depends, or a leak like when obama’s worn out anus makes another day’s skidmarks.
    And Fauxi?!?!

    Guillotines are too humane for these misanthropes!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. covid19 was as INTENTIONAL as the deep state could ever be about US ‘regime change’.

    To remove the elected POTUS Trump and install the sock puppet CRIMINAL Shitpants Potatohead.

  4. TRF at 11:03 am

    Gee Wally, if they did it once, they will do it again.

    Uhhhhh Beave… who sez it’s their first time?

    That was a practice run, Monekeypox was targeted to a different crowd but they were trying really hard. When Monkeypox got coined the faggot disease, see how quickly it got off the front page? Now that they know what works, Round 2 coming right up. If a Republicans wins the WH, guaranteed round #2.

  5. Goldenfoxx – The more skullduggery and lying I see about Covid makes me think there is a LOT more that we don’ know about what’s going on in those back room labs they keep tight wraps on. I’m wondering about Ebola for instance.


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