Senate Intel Chair: Some News Outlets Will Have ‘Egg On Their Face’ For False Russia Reporting – IOTW Report

Senate Intel Chair: Some News Outlets Will Have ‘Egg On Their Face’ For False Russia Reporting

DC: The chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Thursday that some news outlets will be left “with egg on their face” over their reporting on the Russia investigation.

North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr issued the warning in an interview with CNN. He had been asked to respond to a tweet from President Trump calling on the committee to look into “Fake News Networks” in order to “see why so much of our news is just made up.”

“FAKE!” Trump wrote on Twitter.

That tweet was an apparent response to a status update provided by Burr and Senate Intelligence Committee vice-chairman Mark Warner on Wednesday regarding the panel’s investigation into Russian interference in the presidential campaign.

Burr made news by saying that the committee is still looking into whether members of the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government. But implicit in his statement is that the committee, which opened its investigation in January, has still not found evidence of collusion. Burr also said that the committee has still not been able to determine whether the infamous Trump dossier — the main source of the allegations about collusion — is credible.


11 Comments on Senate Intel Chair: Some News Outlets Will Have ‘Egg On Their Face’ For False Russia Reporting

  1. Burr’s committee is just theater. Look how these frauds all scurry about like an ants when they think they can score points for this “bumpstock” issue. It will make no difference, there’s low risk of it costing them and they think they can score points. What scum.

  2. @Gladys, when you say “they” don’t care and know they are liars, are you referring to the fake newsers, the criminal politicians, or the career agents at the institution formerly known as the FBI?
    Or all of the above?

  3. Sen. Burr should call in the FBI, they are non-partisan, professional and have unquestionable integrity when it comes to investigations, determining intent and prosecuting illegal activities.

    It really doesn’t matter whether laws were broken or if the manufacturers of the Russian narrative were just careless.

    After the cameras are put away the political players will have another earth shattering talking point to discredit the Trump Administration.

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