Senate Intelligence Committee Under Pending DOJ Investigation for “unauthorized disclosure of information” – IOTW Report

Senate Intelligence Committee Under Pending DOJ Investigation for “unauthorized disclosure of information”


This is one of those little snippets of information, buried in the swamp and avoided by the media, that seems small and disingenuous unless you know the corrupt record of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

According to Wall Street Journalist Byron Tau, the Senate Intel Committee unanimously voted today to release documents to the DOJ “in connection with a pending investigation arising out of the unauthorized disclosure of information.

The Senate Intelligence Committee is one of the most politically corrupt committees in congress.  There is nothing available as to what information was disclosed; however, this is the committee where:

•Dianne Feinstein was Vice-Chair in 2016, and her former staffer, Dan Jones, is heavily involved in Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele. [See Here]  By position Feinstein was on the Gang-of-Eight during the 2016 CIA, DOJ and FBI Counterintelligence Operation.  The same Feinstein that arbitrarily released the testimony of Glenn Simpson in 2018 without discussing with anyone [See Here]

•Mark Warner took over as Vice-Chair in 2017 and was involved in covert attempts to contact Christopher Steele [See Here]  By position Warner is currently on the Gang-of-Eight, and participated in the DOJ-NSD, FBI and efforts of the Mueller investigation.  The same Mark Warner who demanded the FBI and DOJ must not comply with document production for congressional oversight [See HereMORE HERE


12 Comments on Senate Intelligence Committee Under Pending DOJ Investigation for “unauthorized disclosure of information”

  1. Mark Warner made $6 million from a Russian search engine and tech company called Yandex back in 2012. He was elected to senate in 2008 ???? Why isn’t he under investigation?

  2. This is a good development. The Conservative Treehouse is such a great site to follow this complex conspiracy that the MSDM want to sweep under the rug. Sundance makes sense of all the nonsense.

  3. at this point do any of us trust any of them ?

    we have been lied to so often it doesn’t even register at this point.

    trust the government ?
    trust the government to police itself ?

    are we all nuts at this point ?


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