Senate Judiciary Opening Probe on Whether Lynch Tried to Interfere with Clinton Email Investigation – IOTW Report

Senate Judiciary Opening Probe on Whether Lynch Tried to Interfere with Clinton Email Investigation

FOX: Senate Judiciary Committee leaders have sent letters to former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and others asking for information about allegations of political interference in the FBI’s investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.

The letters from Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., Crime and Terrorism Subcommittee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Ranking Member Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., come as the panel carries on its broad investigation into last month’s abrupt firing of FBI Director James Comey.

In addition to Lynch, the four senators sent letters to Leonard Benardo of the Open Society Foundations and the group’s general counsel Gail Scovell, as well as Clinton campaign staffer Amanda Renteria.  more here

13 Comments on Senate Judiciary Opening Probe on Whether Lynch Tried to Interfere with Clinton Email Investigation

  1. Obviously, she did. So what? They will allow this fat slob to filibuster, plead the fifth, and run her suck and talking points, then it all will be over w no indictments. It will be a Lois Lerner redux. Trump has alotta swamp draining ahead.

  2. Just another dog and pony show. Get an independent prosecutor and grand jury to be done with it. Lets see how they do while answering questions while not sitting in front of fellow travelers.

  3. Personally, I think they all have dirt on one another so the truth will never come out. Now I’m curious what they could have on Sessions, he’s not exactly setting the world on fire.

  4. They all set about digging up any dirt they can on each other as leverage, hence the congenial approach we see constantly. Nothing else makes sense to me.

  5. I tally up the need for at least ten special counsels for the Obama/Clinton time in office. Surely they can find at least ten Pit Bull type conservative attorneys to hire and let loose on them sucka’s!

  6. After going up and down the creek bed, looking for gold, seems maybe they are finally digging in the right spot.
    Put some gravel in the pan and see if you find some colour.

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