Senate Judiciary Panel Approves William Barr’s Nomination for Attorney General – IOTW Report

Senate Judiciary Panel Approves William Barr’s Nomination for Attorney General

Breitbart– The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 12-10 along party lines on Thursday to advance to the Senate floor the nomination of William Barr for attorney general.

Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Lindsey Graham (SC) called Barr, an attorney general during the George H.W. Bush administration, the right person for the job.

“I think we need a steady hand at the department, and I think he provides a steady hand,” he said at a business meeting to vote on Barr’s nomination, as well as judicial nominations.

The meeting did not get contentious, though Democrats expressed their firm opposition to Barr.

Several Democrats on the committee cited Barr’s unwillingness to release special counsel Robert Mueller’s final report to Congress and the public.

“This report must be made public,” one Democrat said. “Unfortunately, Mr. Barr would not commit to providing special counsel Mueller’s findings and the final report to the Congress. … This is particularly concerning, as nothing in existing law or regulations prevent the attorney general from providing the report.”

They also cited a memo he wrote five months before being nominated that argued that President Trump’s actions in firing former FBI Director James Comey would not be obstruction of justice.  more

16 Comments on Senate Judiciary Panel Approves William Barr’s Nomination for Attorney General

  1. Don’t really know much about him but:

    Maybe he’ll do something about the double standard corruption taking place in the Justice department and straighten things out.

    One can only hope.

  2. I wish that Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker had been nominated for the job. I’ve been watching him fend off the rabid mongrels on the House Judiciary Committee badgering this witness for hours without laying a finger on this great man.

  3. Disappointing appointment by Trump. He won’t do anything about Hillary email or Clinton Foundation, and nobody will be pursued with the whole Russian Collusion, GPS, FISA court corruption. Unless Trump had a chat with him and he agreed to pursue these issues, this was not a good decision by Trump.

  4. A step up from Sessions? It would be mighty damned hard NOT to be. But Barr is no prize. He’s a creature of the swamp / deep state and has shown heavy antipathy towards the 2nd Amendment. Trump screwed up with this nomination.

  5. Trump picks from a list prepared by people who are supposed to work for him and have the same political philosophy. If this guy is anti 2nd like most of the comments seem to indicate then maybe it’s time to look more closely at the group creating the list. If this new AG refuses to reopen investigations that had been tanked by Obama operatives then Trump will need to fire his ass immediately and get some new advisors.

  6. B_B: This is just a preview of what the Demographic Party’s Committees of Public Safety are going to do during the next two years, and I think that it is going to blow back on these traitorous bastards in a Bigly fashion.


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