Senate panel releases memo showing FBI may have misled lawmakers about Russia probe – IOTW Report

Senate panel releases memo showing FBI may have misled lawmakers about Russia probe

Whaaaaat? Nooooooo!

Document shows FBI falsely told senators that Steele sub-source backed up his dossier. ‘Somebody needs to go to jail for this,’ Lindsey Graham says.

14 Comments on Senate panel releases memo showing FBI may have misled lawmakers about Russia probe

  1. ‘Somebody needs to go to jail for this,’ Lindsey Graham says.

    GOP motto, somebody always needs to go jail for this, but nobody ever does. This week’s winner is Lindsey Graham. I’ll put even money on Mitch McConnel next week.

  2. Not going to hear anything from the other 99.9% of FBI employees. Not going to hear anything from the willfully misled lawmakers. They weren’t misled, they heard what they wanted to hear.

  3. Despite Miss Lindsay’s showboating he’s one of the biggest reasons up there for people NOT going to jail.
    Just another sickening charade by this fraud.

  4. Let’s bring back the death penalty for Treason.
    Make it retroactive to … uhh … say … 2008?

    And let’s re-define Treason to include any action which would undermine any aspect of the Constitution or the Bill of Rights or ANY of the Amendments to the Constitution.

    Oh – and lying to the American people.

    Fix a whole bunch of shit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Oh, shut up Lindsay. Your dead boyfriend, John McCain, was spreading that bullshit dossier all over the place. Let’s dig up McCain’s festering carcass and put it in jail.


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