Senate Panel To Hear Testimony From Businessman Targeted By Trump Dossier Firm – IOTW Report

Senate Panel To Hear Testimony From Businessman Targeted By Trump Dossier Firm


DailyCaller: A London-based businessman who was investigated last year by the opposition research firm behind the so-called Trump dossier will testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee next week, The Daily Caller has learned.

Bill Browder says that he will “definitely” be testifying about a complaint he filed with the Justice Department last year in which he accused Fusion GPS, the firm behind the dossier, and a former Soviet intelligence officer named Rinat Akhmetshin of violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), a law requiring agents of foreign governments to disclose their lobbying and consulting work.  read more

2 Comments on Senate Panel To Hear Testimony From Businessman Targeted By Trump Dossier Firm

  1. I see today at 2:30, there’s yet another hrg before the senate judiciary subcommittee. A legal panel will testify… get this… on “Lessons learned from Concurrent Congressional & Criminal Probes” of the Russian non story.

    WTH is congress spending one more second on this sideshow? It’s not like we have healthcare, tax reform, nominees to be voted on, or anything pressing like that.

    If I didn’t know better, I’d think congress is intentionally sending a message to us peons who elected Pres Trump to drain the cesspool, i.e., we’re in charge and waiting out Trump’s agenda.

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