Senate Passes Hawley and Braun’s Bill for Biden Admin to Declassify Intel on Wuhan Lab – IOTW Report

Senate Passes Hawley and Braun’s Bill for Biden Admin to Declassify Intel on Wuhan Lab

Epoch Times: The U.S. Senate has unanimously passed a bill that seeks to require President Joe Biden’s administration declassify all intelligence relating to the origin of COVID-19, including information about what happened at the Wuhan laboratory at the start of the pandemic.

Republican Sens. Josh Hawley (Miss.) and Mike Braun (Ind.) submitted their proposal, known as the COVID-19 Origin Act of 2021, to require that the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) declassify to Americans U.S. intelligence on the alleged links between China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and the origins of the CCP virus last month. The bill was passed by unanimous consent.

Hawley told the Senate floor on Wednesday that the bill gives an opportunity to the American public to evaluate the evidence for themselves, adding that this is only the first step. see more @ Senate Passes Hawley, Braun Bill for Biden Admin to Declassify Intel on Wuhan Lab (

2 Comments on Senate Passes Hawley and Braun’s Bill for Biden Admin to Declassify Intel on Wuhan Lab

  1. The law enforcement/investigative arms of the federal government all fall under the jurisdiction of the executive branch, meaning that the senators can ask, but they can’t compel.

    Besides, all investigators know that the longer a crime scene is left UN-investigated, the more likely that evidence will be destroyed or removed. The WHO never bothered to consider this viable and China would never let an international body in to snoop around anyway. The scene is cold by now and all we are left with is speculation and conjecture.

  2. Don’t we have a couple ChiCom scientists that defected and are now living here in the states that have reported China intentionally released this virus on the world? The Senate should have them testify before them.


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