Senate Republicans, defying polls, appear on path to hold majority – IOTW Report

Senate Republicans, defying polls, appear on path to hold majority

Wa Examiner:

Senate Republicans on Tuesday are poised to keep the majority in 2021, defying polls that indicated Democrats could defeat a slew of incumbent GOP lawmakers and win back the gavel they lost in 2014.

Democrats needed to pick up four seats to regain the majority but are on track so far for a net gain of just one seat. They have so far defeated only two Republican incumbents and were on track to lose up to two of their own seats.

Sen. Susan Collins, a Republican of Maine, appeared poised to overcome and defeat Democratic challenger Sara Gideon, while Republican Joni Ernst vanquished Democrat Theresa Greenfield in Iowa.

Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina held a narrow lead over his Democratic challenger, Cal Cunningham, while Sen. Lindsey Graham easily defeated Democratic challenger Jaimie Harrison in South Carolina by a double-digit margin that outperformed polls that showed a tied race.

Sen. Steve Daines, a Montana Republican, appeared on track to defeat Democratic challenger Steve Bullock by 10 points.

All of the seats were considered toss-up races, and in the Maine race, Collins is so far beating polls that showed her consistently trailing Gideon.

Republicans were on track to pick up two Senate seats. In Michigan, Republican John James early Tuesday held a 1-point lead over Democratic incumbent Gary Peters, although many ballots remain uncounted.

Republican Tommy Tuberville easily defeated incumbent Democrat Doug Jones in Alabama. read more

2 Comments on Senate Republicans, defying polls, appear on path to hold majority

  1. …Democrats + squishy RINOs + Never Trumpers + outright Trump hater – Trump to stiffen their spines and hold them accountable = Harris majority.

    …I don’t like it.

    Just the way it is.

    Unless there’s any interest in fulfilling our collective duties under the Second Amendment before the Constitution gets canceled and Beto takes all the guns, that is…

  2. The Dems had to wait and see how many ballots they needed to manufacture to push Biden over the top. The Dems could not manufacture Biden ballots AND Senate ballots in a short amount of time without making the obvious look more obvious..


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