Senate Republicans Propose Bill To Tackle Alleged DOJ Misconduct – IOTW Report

Senate Republicans Propose Bill To Tackle Alleged DOJ Misconduct

DC: Republican senators introduced a bill Wednesday that would increase the jurisdiction of the Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General to include alleged DOJ attorney misconduct.

The legislation — known as the Inspector General Access Act of 2018 and proposed by Republican Sens. Mike Lee of Utah, Chuck Grassley of Iowa, and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska — comes at a time when the Justice Department’s Inspector General Michael Horowitz is expected to release a report about the FBI’s handling of the Clinton email case.

“Our federal government inspectors general do a valuable job providing the information voters and lawmakers need to hold federal government agencies accountable. Unfortunately, the Department of Justice OIG currently does not have the power to review the conduct of DOJ attorneys, an oversight which this legislation corrects,” Lee said in a joint statement with his fellow Republican co-sponsors of the bill. more

5 Comments on Senate Republicans Propose Bill To Tackle Alleged DOJ Misconduct

  1. That proposal would not be necessary if we had an AG that would do his job. I just can’t make any sense of what Sessions is doing. He doesn’t seem to want to do the job yet he insists on remaining in that position. I’m having trouble buying the theory that he’s quietly building cases against those involved in the corruption. There would have been some sign by now.

  2. Can’t say, but … isn’t this sort of similar to the SS investigating itself?

    The fact that NOT ONE SINGLE DoJ or FBI employee made a stand against these treasonous bastards speaks volumes.
    The fact that NOT ONE SINGLE Congressman (which includes Senators) can bring itself to call these treasons “TREASONS” speaks volumes.
    The fact that all these treasons bore the complicity of the media (and, to a lesser extent, Academia) speaks volumes.
    And the simple fact that NOTHING WILL BE DONE ABOUT IT should make some eyes blink.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The only reason for these delays must be the scope and depth of the conspiracy that the IOG is investigating. They have to follow a very strict protocol to insure that any people who are indicted are brought to trial without the ability to escape their legal fate, because the proper legal steps were not followed. There is evidence that some of the main operatives in this conspiracy have been singing for months, ratting out the other rodents.

  4. i love how all these laws are inept and allow such malfeasance.

    and most of the writers of these laws are lawyers elected to congress for multiple terms.

    and every election cycle these same lawyers campaign on a platform of writing more of these inept laws.

    we not only need to purge our elected representatives of these professional politicians but we need to clean house on these insane corrupt laws they have written.

    the constitution was supposed to keep the government in check but all we get are laws to keep the citizens in check and protect the government.

    how far we have fallen from the tree of liberty.

  5. @Tim June 7, 2018 at 8:26 am

    > should make some eyes blink

    NOoo! Don’t do that. You’ll miss the consequences. Serious consequences. Legal consequences. SRSLY.


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