Senate Source Says Bipartisan Border Plan Is Actually A ‘Fig Leaf For Funding Ukraine’ – IOTW Report

Senate Source Says Bipartisan Border Plan Is Actually A ‘Fig Leaf For Funding Ukraine’

“I kind of joked with the source; I was like, ‘I’m just gonna attribute this to Mitch McConnell’ because Mitch McConnell is probably saying that in private, right? ‘This is our fig leaf for funding Ukraine.’ It’s transparently obvious that’s what they’re doing,” Federalist Culture Editor Emily Jashinsky said on “Counter Points.”

8 Comments on Senate Source Says Bipartisan Border Plan Is Actually A ‘Fig Leaf For Funding Ukraine’

  1. And Heritage Foundation, the same people who claim they’ve discovered a clever way to get a Biden’s secret emails, says that this underhanded budget bullshit is not enough for Ukraine? If you’re still supporting Heritage, just quit right now.

    Meanwhile over on the House side, we have a RINO touting a bill to fund the Ukraine war by some sort of demented International Rules-Based Ordered asset forfeiture on Russia. I got news for all of you elected and unelected warhawks: The whole world is watching your desperate dirty tricks, and they don’t like what they see. Just quit right now.

    And about this border/Ukraine sleight if hand in the Senate. I am sure that my two fraudulently-installed commie Dem Senators will be enthusiastically voting for it, but I also know the both of the RINO Senators they usurped would have jumped to be first in line to vote for it.

    We seem to have an incurably rotten government, one which rivals the worst days on the Roman empire, and we are not going to vote our way out of it. Plan accordingly..


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