Senate Sweats Out Summer in the Swamp – IOTW Report

Senate Sweats Out Summer in the Swamp

Liberty Nation: The Donald Trump era has now been marked by the shattering of yet another seemingly unbreakable tradition.

This one has nothing to do with calling out NATO, shredding trade deals, or forcing recalcitrant Republicans to actually deliver what they’ve long promised on illegal immigration. But it does fall right in line with something the president has been doing since his audacious arrival in Washington almost 19 months ago: challenging the establishment to break protocol.

For almost 60 years, one of the unshakable traditions in the DC swamp has been the congressional summer recess. It was first instituted in 1959 and has continued every summer since. Woe to the earnest, civic-minded member of Congress who might call for the House or Senate to conduct business in this most oppressive of months. Lest we forget, Washington is built on not just a figurative, but literal swamp.

Extended Sessions

Up through about the 1930s, Congress was generally in session for six to eight months – from December to June – but once the agenda kept growing with the expansion of government in the FDR era, Congress extended their sessions to almost the full year. More members began objecting, calling for more time off to return to their home districts or states, and the summer recess was implemented.  more here

8 Comments on Senate Sweats Out Summer in the Swamp

  1. “For almost 60 years, one of the unshakable traditions in the DC swamp has been the congressional summer recess…”

    Hillary, being a former Senator, thought she was entitled to a recess in August 2016. Her outsider opponent thought otherwise. Congress would be wise to listen to him.

  2. Congress should have a maximum of sixty days a year to conduct their business. Any more than that and they cause too many problems. Like growing the government which got completely out of hand about fifty years ago.

  3. @Lowell – It got out of hand a little over 100 years ago. It started in 1913, a very bad year: Constitutional amendments for feddle income tax and the popular election of Senators, plus the Federal Reserve Act.

    Hey, FDR in Hell – Is Woodrow Wilson still screaming, I hope?

  4. Even with an additional two months worth of hard labor we will never get our moneys worth out of this band of thieves. Damn near all of them should be breaking rocks in the hot Texas sun.


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