Economic growth may stall if Trump’s demand to cut corporate taxes is ignored.

Frontpage: Senate Republicans unveiled their tax reform bill yesterday, cutting taxes while keeping the Obamacare penalty for not carrying health insurance intact and rebuffing President Trump’s demand for an immediate reduction in the nation’s sky-high corporate income tax rates.

Tax-writers on Capitol Hill seem keenly aware of legendary columnist Robert Novak’s words: “God put the Republican Party on earth to cut taxes. If they don’t do that, they have no useful function.”

So far this year Republican office-holders have failed to deliver on major campaign promises. Despite controlling the White House and both houses of Congress for almost 10 months, Republicans have been unable to reduce spending or even its rate of growth, but now they must either begin to deliver or start looking for new jobs.

In other words, tax reform is a “must-pass” item on the congressional calendar, especially after Republican setbacks this week in off-year elections. Not too many political handicappers thought Republican Ed Gillespie would receive the brutal thrashing he received at the hands of Democrat Ralph Northam in the Virginia governor’s race, especially after Northam allies ran a widely-condemned TV ad characterizing Gillespie supporters as bigoted yahoos who want to run over minority children with their pickup trucks.

It’s dirty pool but the Left appears reinvigorated. Will the Right follow suit? That is up to Republicans.  more


  1. McCONnell, leader of the opposition, doing all that he can to help the RINO establishment and democrats, while screwing Americans.

    Mitch proves that Bannon and Gorka are 100% right !

    Enough is enough.

  2. Did IOTW cover this breaking news? It’s hilarious
    On Monday afternoon, as a few hundred people gathered at New York’s City Hall to protest the shuttering of local news sites DNAinfo and Gothamist, a carousel of speakers took turns proclaiming their love for journalism—including frequent targets of the press. Tragedies make strange bedfellows

    Apparently Gothamist was trying to unionize and the owner shut down that site and others.
    Good for him.

  3. “…while keeping the Obamacare penalty for not carrying health insurance intact…”

    And why did they keep it intact?

    Because our traitor on the SC declared it a tax. As some of us have said since that day, the Rs will NEVER EVER EVER rid us of it.

    So let’s be rid of them.

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