Senate Votes To Block President Trump’s Emergency Declaration On Border Wall – IOTW Report

Senate Votes To Block President Trump’s Emergency Declaration On Border Wall

OAN: The Senate has voted to block the President Trump’s national emergency declaration over the nation’s southern border — yet again. In a 54-to-41 vote Wednesday, the Senate approved a resolution to terminate the declaration, which was used to shift $3.6 billion in Pentagon funds to build a border wall.

This marks the second effort by the Senate to block the president’s attempt to fund his border wall, citing national security concerns. Prior to the vote, Democrat lawmakers accused the GOP of prioritizing the commander in chief over military families.

President Trump is likely to veto this vote as he did before in March. Yet under federal law, lawmakers may bring up the emergency vote every six months. read more

20 Comments on Senate Votes To Block President Trump’s Emergency Declaration On Border Wall

  1. Has to have been some RINO’s voting against our president – get names and kick their asses out!

    Using the excuse of protecting military families is a lie. Surprise!

  2. Rinos are:

    Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky.
    Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah
    Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine
    Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska
    Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn.
    Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah
    Sen. Jerry Moran, R-Kan.
    Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa.
    Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio
    Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss.
    Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.
    Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo.

  3. I would love to think that this is a set-up orchestrated by Trump, that he talked at least some of these Rs into voting for it when both of them know it can’t happen. Just to draw the stupid Leftists in the House, crazy with desperation now that Biden is done, into a guaranteed killbox next year.

    Yeah, I’d like to think that but I don’t. The Rs truly hate him, but right now they must hate us more…we inflicted him on them. Trump is our fault, so you know they blame us.

  4. It’s a shame we only get a crack at dumping these swine once every six years.
    They’re all unscrupulous scum but willingly take direction from the biggest traitor and behind the scenes manipulator of them all Mitch McConnell. As long as he’s there nothing will improve.

  5. …Rob Portman is a disappointment. He actually seemed somewhat conservative at one time, then his son came out as gay, and Portman went full-retard RINO.

    Unfortunately, Ohio’s curse is that it’s purple enough that it’s been impossible to elect anything but pinkteas regardless of the letter behind their names. The last TWO “Republican” governors have been DIABLOs (Democrats in All But Label Only). Witness John “The Eater” Kasich as a recent example, and never forget that Ohio provided the “Republican”majority House with “Obama’s” BFF, the West Chester Weeper himself, John “The Fellatiating Facilitator” Boehner as a male version of Pelosi all dressed up Republican-like but ready to service Barry the Indonesian’s every, every whim.

    …they’ve done such an excellent job of incubating Democrats in the cities, then closing down an gentrifying the projects with the effect of metastasizing the multi-generational poverty they deliberately cultivated into the surrounding counties via Section 8 that they took over previously rock-ribbed Republican Hamilton County, and they also have done a swell job of importing “Syrian” refugees from Africa (apparently a very large suburb of Syria, but that’s another subject) into formerly bucolic wards everywhere, that I can see Ohio becoming as full-retard Democrat as California by 2024, if it isn’t already there in 2020. So, demographically, I would never really expect ANYTHING from ANYONE who calls themselves a “Republican” in Ohio…since a true, Trump-supporting conservative could NEVER get elected to state-wide office, let alone a national one, simply because Ohio’s been watered down too much for generations by Democrats, gerrymandered so hard that Sherrod Brown could still get elected, and brought to a boil by Black Jesus’ importation of hordes of Muslim destroyers.

    …so, Rob just hopes they’ll eat him last. He also knows if he supports the President in any way, his son will have the next Gaystapo meeting in his basement, and he REALLY doesn’t want THAT…

  6. Question for the Senators who voted against Trump: Do you think it makes him look weak and evil when he vetos your impotent gesture?

    I get you, Cocaine Mitch. You let the weaklings do it, and they owe you in the coming SCOTUS nomination battle.

  7. Some of us remember when a bunch of these lying, conniving. minions of satan voted in favor of hardening the border.
    Where has all the money gone?
    How much of border enforcement funds go to HELPING the invaders?

  8. Well, there you have it out in the open, nine pseudo Republican Senators, along with all their feral Democrat partners, don’t want the United States of America to be a free, sovereign nation guided by it’s legal constitution and have voted openly and brazenly for its demise!

  9. john, if you’d just said “The Usual Suspects” we’d know exactly who you were talking about.

    And Alexander, (RINO, TN) doesn’t give a shit; he’s not running for another term. With any luck, we can elect a Republican next time.


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