Senate Will Hold Barrett Confirmation Vote on Hillary Clinton’s Birthday – IOTW Report

Senate Will Hold Barrett Confirmation Vote on Hillary Clinton’s Birthday

Dan Bongino: 2016 presidential election silver medalist Hillary Clinton will be celebrating her birthday next Monday, and will be provided with yet another reminder that she’s not president, and the consequences that has caused for her party.

President Donald Trump has already confirmed two Supreme Court justices, and Republicans have the votes in the Senate to confirm his third nominee, Amy Coney Barrett. Mitch McConnell announced earlier today that the vote on Barrett will be held on October 26th – which just so happens to be Hillary’s birthday. more

19 Comments on Senate Will Hold Barrett Confirmation Vote on Hillary Clinton’s Birthday

  1. …I didn’t know demons had birthdays, does she count from the Dawn of Creation or from the day when she was cast out of Heaven with satan?

    …I don’t think they were using the Gregorian calendar then, so converting that MUST have been almost as much of a bitch as SHE is…

    …because of the conversion difficulty they probably got the date wrong by a few days. Samhain on the 31st would be MUCH more appropriate a date for a spirit-cooking evil child murderer like her to have been spawned so it could more easily walk into a world made much more unhappy by it…

  2. Anonymous
    OCTOBER 21, 2020 AT 8:52 AM
    “After Barrett is confirmed the Senate should take a few minutes to honor Hillary for her service to our country by singing Happy Birthday to her.”

    …cool, she could use the Marilyn Monroe/JFK version, with some slight tweaks…

    “Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday Never President,
    Happy Birthday to you.

    No Thank’s, Not the President
    For all the evil you’ve done
    The murders you’ve run
    The way you feel the US must kneel
    And cause problems by the ton,
    Fuck you, so much.
    Murderer, Happy Bitchday!”

    …do it all breathless like Marilyn too, she’ll like that…

  3. You would think Democrats would rejoice given their obsession with silly criteria to serve as qualifications for jobs like your sex and your skin color. ACB is a female, except that biological fact is apparently negated by being a conservative. Who knew!

    Meanwhile, their VP pick of Kamal-Hoe, was chosen solely because she has a brown vagina.


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