Senator ‘Chachi’ Arcola (R-UT) – IOTW Report

Senator ‘Chachi’ Arcola (R-UT)

Dan Bongino:

Scott Baio Says He Might Move to Utah to Unseat Mitt Romney

Time for Senator Chachi?

If Scott Baio is serious, there will be at least a “Candidate Chachi” in our future.

At a time he was still known as “former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney,” Romney easily won a Senate Seat in Utah in 2018. Romney has long had a reputation as a RINO among many Republicans, which would later be fueled by his constant clashes with President Donald Trump. Romney was the only Republican senator to vote to impeach Trump, voting for a conviction on abuse of power. He is the only Senator in history to cross party lines and vote to impeach a member of their own party.

Most recently he condemned President Trump for not conceding an election while legal battles are still ongoing, saying he can’t “imagine a more undemocratic action.” Ironically these calls for Trump to concede have disproportionately come from Democrats who themselves don’t seem to have conceded the 2016 election.

Those comments from Romney were the final straw for Baio, who says he’s now contemplating a move to Utah to play golf – and unseat Romney. more

18 Comments on Senator ‘Chachi’ Arcola (R-UT)

  1. Imagine it. A smart, patriotic TV ACTOR defeating an elitist, privileged, bastard RINO Senator, former governor and douche-bag, Presidential also-ran. That would smart the bastard, wouldn’t it?

  2. Good guy. Back in the 1980s I was assigned to the Selective Service System as a USAFR officer. It was joint service reserve training with the objective of having a contingent of reserve and national guard officers ready to activate the system.

    Scott did some PSA commercials and posters promoting registration. The area high schools liked having his posters in their schools.
    Here is an example:

  3. Romney is a POS that truely worries me. Even if Republicans win both seats in the GA runoffs we will lose. The dems will offer him a sweet committee chair to change parties and he will do it in an instant. Susan Collins will cave or be bribed with a cabinet position. Worse case senario for dems they will murder a Republican senator from a blue state and replace them with a dem govenor pick. If that sounds crazy it is but then so is telling the entire world for months that you are going to rig and steal the US presidential election and blatantly doing it in your face and get away with it.

  4. Tony R,
    WTF does that mean.
    FYI, Mormons are Christians. Like Catholics are Christians. And Protestants are Christians. Get my point?
    Now get over here so I can give you a Gibbs slap upside your head, and find the vacuum release valve between your ears.


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